Escaping the temple Report in Convergence | World Anvil
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Escaping the temple

General Summary

The night of ??

We take shelter in the quarters of the undead priest that we defeated. During the night, we all have disturbing dreams.

The Next Morning

My lucky number for the day is: 6 We venture into the next room from our camp room, and trigger the rising of 3 mummys which gave a hard fight and nearly gave Abi and Sanna Mummy Rot. We find an octagonal room with hieroglyphs and a solid metal chest one floor up from the main floor.   Hieroglyphs read: "The righteous and the holy have no need of staff, rod, or ring. Place your faith in the Good Magister and walk without fear."   Religion check reveals that: Good Magister refers to someone in control of their magic.   Anie and Gimbles place items in chest. Anie places magic. Is overcome with stylized (moving hieroglyphics) visions of the temple and an item being brought in. Vision is fuzzy, but item is covered by a sheet. Appears to be handheld. See a group of people around the item conducting ritual. Vision shifts to a new location; turns dark. Ritual participants become surprised and begin to wither and become skeletons.   Sanna placed her ring and scimitar in and saw different visions: Saw tablet of hieroglyphics of instructions about relic by royal decree Jarrett II to take to a city and hide it away to never be seen again. To hide their shame/scandal until obscenity can be undone. City being taken to as where the asp and the crook join.   Knowledge History reveals: This refers to the city of Wati that has been long destroyed. This places the events in the visions about 6000 years ago (when Wati was destroyed). Wati was only a going concern for ~100 years.   Gimbles climbed in, and heard a voice saying it didn't want him.
Report Date
26 Jun 2019

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