Memoir Syndrome Condition in Continent of Thuur | World Anvil
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Memoir Syndrome

"Despite the many uses the consumption of magic can bring, a good commander must strongly discourage its use: only survival or a decisive victory can outweigh the effects of magic addiction and the memoir syndrome that comes afterwards" excrept from a textbook of the Officer's Academy on Sileanum
  The Memoir Syndrome is a mental sickness derived from magic use, initially believed to be a variety of war neurosis because of its high incidence between military personnel of the Central Authority. It has a strong connection with magic addiction, appearing as a sequel long after it has been cured, but the syndrome can develop independently as well.


Scientists definte the Memoir Syndrome as the opposite reflection of Magic Addiction: both are caused by an unchecked consumption of magic, the latter showing its effects on the body and the fomer on the mind. The cause is still not known, but there are two theories gaining traction in the medical circles: The Protuberance Theory affirms that the syndrome is caused by an anomalous growth in the brain created when magic was drank, that explains most minor symptoms. The other one, known as the Mark Theory, sustains that the extreme experience produced by bringing huge quantities of energy into the body leaves a scar in the brain, which activates in conditions similarto its origin and explains the characteristic hallucinations and delusions of the syndrome.


The most representative symptoms are the extreme nostalgia attacks: the ill, progressively getting more calm and lost in their own thought, until they lose the will to do anything except talking about everyting about the time magic was consumed. The tale is exceptionally vivid and full of detail, even if the events were long forgotten by the ill, told in a very positive light. In extreme cases, the ill loses all notion of reality, moving and acting as if they were brought from the past, including the effects of the magical energy, both positive and negative. Other symptoms include dizziness, loss of balance and orientation, reappearance of old wounds and bruises and sight and sound hallucinations..


The Memoir Syndrome cannot be cured. However, some methods had been developed to delay the progress of the illness and treat its symptoms. It has been tested that even the most minimal sip of magic can stop immideately any nostalgia attack. However, this method, despite being the most effective, is not recommended due to magic being illegal for personal use and the possibility to develop or have a relapse of magic addiction. Safer and legal options are travelling to a relaxing or exciting place: a change of pace can reduce significantly the chance of an attack in the earlier phases. Most recently, experimental lobotomies have been performed to attempt to cure or palliate the effects of the syndrome. So far, no survivor has had any attack or symptom, according to researchers.


Initial Phase

The symptoms can appear at any time in the life of the ill, the average being 10 years after consumption and the earliest a year later. The first signals are the loss of orientation, followed by old wounds hurting again. Days later, the progressive dizziness and hallucinations force the ill to stop their everyday activities and calm down.  

General Phase

If no treatment has been done in between one and three months, the hallucinations last for hours and the endless chatter begins. The strength of an attack usually fluctuates, with moments of seeming recovery and moments when the the delusions inmobilizes the sick completely.  

Extreme Phase

If an attack gets strong enough, the ill loses all notion of reality, their mind travelling to the past. These extreme attacks only last a few minutes and are rare, being longer and more common depending on the severity of the magic addiction suffered.

Cultural Reception

Outside medical and military circles, general knowledge about the sickness varies, being better known after times of great conflict. Usually, the syndrome has been seen as part of the later life of veterans or the tragedy of former magic addicts.   The unique characteristics of the syndrome have had its effects on the arts and sciences. Using (or abusing, depending on who is asked) their lyrical delusions, many writers have compiled their stories into antologies of Poetry of Magic, or into war propaganda. Because all tales, while heavily edulcorated, are true, they have been used as sources by historians.

Other names

Memoir Syndrome is the most common name, and the one used by academia. Other name used by the masses is Historian Sickness, heard more in the faraway places of the Authority. Some people in Quintus call it The Flight, as it resembles the daydreams Saurian Riders have after they glide.

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