Tsunami the Unbridled Character in Compendium of Fate | World Anvil
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Tsunami the Unbridled

Barbarian Queen of the Pindle people

Queen of the Pindle Tsunami Bloodrain (a.k.a. The Unbridled)

Descended of the Bloodrain family line, who conquered the wasteland left after the cataclysm. She is acting ruler of the Pindle people and a sign of strength and wisdom.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, powerful, muscled and ready for combat

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Known bloodline traces back to Bloodrain the Uniter, the hero of the wastes who united the people and re-established Pindle society. Notable members in the family line include her first daughter, Hurricane Bloodrain, the wise Thundra Bloodrain, Magma Bloodrain the slayer of monsters, and her mother, Quake Bloodrain the gentle

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