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In the world of Cohar, death is not the end.   Two paths await the souls of the recently deceased. The first, the one that all souls are instinctively drawn to, is The Pleroma - otherwise known as the Afterworld - where countless gods reside, locked in an unending quest for power and enlightenment.   The second path resides within the Ether - the spirit realm - through which all souls must pass when they first leave their bodies. Within this realm, the archons lay in wait, creatures of shadow that drag unwitting souls into the mysterious shadow realm of Maurus, from which it is said no soul can ever return.   Within the mortal realm of Cohar, power resides with those who can control this passage from life to afterlife. Empires may rise and fall based on their ability to safeguard this transition, or risk condemning the souls of their citizens for eternity.

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