Clan Seniorem Organization in Claws in the Dark | World Anvil

Clan Seniorem

The oldest known clan of Vampires, they harbor all the abilities that are split up amongst the current clans. Inarguabaly the most dangerous, they have also never been seen before, the signs indicate that a few still exist, but are seemingly inactive. Whether the actively choose to remain that way, or are in a dormant state for an unknown reason cannot be gleaned with current intel.


Unknown. Some agents like to joke that they control everything behind the shadows but we honestly can't disprove that at the current time.


The oldest known clan, and often regarded as the first clan of vampires, ancient accounts state that this clan had access to the entire library of vampiric abilities at their fingertips. While this does reinforce the idea of them being the first clan, it also makes conjecture about why they split apart, or what could have caused it all the harder. Somewhere in the Bronze Age, the three successor clans came into being, and the Seniorus vanished from all known records.
Alternative Names
The Premogenitures. The Originals. First Fangs.


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