The Skull of Kirlyok Building / Landmark in City of Ten Thousand Daggers | World Anvil

The Skull of Kirlyok

Situated on a rocky outcropping on the banks of the Ozpatak River within the  Horse Lords Enclave  , the Skull of Kirlyok is said to be all that remains of the great dragon Kirlyok, who protected the city of Khezvaros in the times of the Dragon Pacts. The main dome of the skull stands as tall as three tall men and is entered through the long hallway formed by the bones of the wyrm's upper jaw and snout. The long, intricately decorated fangs propping up the front of the skull allow all but the tallest to enter without fear of contact with the smaller teeth above. The dragon worshippers believe that one who follows the proscribed ritual inside the skull can gain great insight.   Of course, entering the skull isn't as easy as walking between the pillars formed by Kirlyok's teeth. The skull is protected by powerful magic that brings death to anyone who enters without the blessings of the Children of Kirlyok, a group of mystics charged with protecting the site. Gaining the keepers' blessing is easier said than done. In order to seek an audience, the petitioner (or petitioners) must arrive at the foot of the path leading up to the skull at dawn and remain there until moonrise. Throughout the day, members of the cult may approach the petitioner and ask them questions (or they may not). If they decide to grant an audience (some claim that offering tribute to the Children improves one's chances), one of the mystics will come down shortly after the moon rises and lead the petitioner up the path to the Children of Kirlyok's fire circle, where they must share stories and a hypnotic drink (which they refer to as Kirlyok's Blood with the mystics while answering a series of increasingly bizarre questions. If the Children of Kirlyok determine that the petitioner is worthy, they will charge them with a quest to complete in order to gain entrance to the skull.   Once the petitioner provides proof that they have accomplished their quest, the mystics will set a time for them to enter the skull. At the appointed time, the petitioner must participate in a short ritual that involves drinking Kirlyok's Blood and reciting oaths in the ancient dragon language. When the ritual is done, the petitioner is led to the entrance of the skull. Inside, the skull will be filled with fragrant smoke coming from braziers burning with unnaturally-colored fire and steam coming from a pit filled with heated rocks. Throughout the ritual, Children of Kirlyok will enter the skull to add fresh rocks or water to the pit. Those participating will be told to sit within the dome and meditate on their questions or concerns, but otherwise given little instruction.     Related: Kirlyok | Kirlyok's Blood | Children of Kirlyok | Skulltop
Children of Kirlyok
Organization | Oct 8, 2023

Dragon Cult

Cover image: Map of S by


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