Imperial Lions
Lions are the sacred animal The Eternal Empress and, by association, the creature most strongly associated with imperial strength and power. They appear throughout imperial art and architecture and it's rare to find a depiction of Kyra where she is not accompanied by at least one lion. While normal lions found in wild places across the empire enjoy sacred status, the lions which that beside Kyra--in art and in the physical world--are not terrestrial creatures. These felines are celestial beings native to the same heavenly home plane of the gods. The guardianship of an imperial lion is considered one of the greatest gifts the the Empress can bestow upon a subject, and being granted the service of one of Kyra's pets is a mark of status for any imperial temple.
Basic Information
Imperial lions look exactly like normal lions in every aspect except for one: their enormous size. Just as the Gods tower over mortal humans, imperial lions can reach twice the size of the lions native to Noma-Lum. There are numerous accounts of great imperial generals and heroes riding their lions into battle.
Genetics and Reproduction
While the gods themselves are quite enthusiastic about worldly coupling, their lions seem less interested in the reproductive act, with most imperial lion females only producing a litter about once every human generation. A typical litter consists of between 2 and 5 cubs.
Growth Rate & Stages
Imperial lions grown and reach maturity at roughly the same rate as normal lions, but from their the aging process seems to slow considerably. While the Empress's personal pride contains several lions who clearly very advanced in age, only the god know how long it took them to reach this stage of life. Depictions of well-known imperial lions made centuries apart often show only the slightest hint of aging.
Ecology and Habitats
Imperial lions are not native to this world, but on their native celestial plane they live and hunt in habitats that are paradisical versions of those inhabited by terrestrial lions. The vast majority of imperial lions found on Noma-Lum reside with the Empress in Tanrilar in a pride that usually numbers between 20 and 50 lions. At any given time, perhaps another 20 lions are serving as temple guardians or companions to those who have done some great service for the empire. Though by no means mandatory, it is traditional for the Empress to present the Grant Strategos of the Imperial Legion with a lion companion upon their ascension to the rank.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Imperial lions eat meat, and lots of it. While simply feeding an imperial lion will keep it alive, they prefer to hunt and kill their own food. If not allowed to do so on a regular basis, the lion will become lethargic and depressed.
Biological Cycle
As celestial creatures, imperial lions are immortal. When a lions' earthly body is destroyed, its essence returns to its native dimension. Unlike dragons, imperial lions do not have anything like a Dragonstone to tether them to our world, but the Empress does have the ability to summon them back to our reality using a normal lion as a vessel. When the imperial lion enters its host, it undergoes a transformation into an imperial lion and whatever essence previously resided there goes away. Whether the original lion's soul (assuming lions have souls) melds with its celestial counterpart, moves on to some other plane of existence, or simple ceases to exist is unknown but occasionally debated among philosophers with an esoteric bent.
Aside from an instinctual drive to please and protect the Empress and the compulsions that result from being bonded to a human, imperial lions behave exactly like regular lions.
Additional Information
Beyond the Empress's estates, the only relationship between humans and imperial lions occurs when an imperial lion's service is awarded as a gift. It's important to note that such an arrangement does not make the lion the recipient's property, pet, or servant. The human participant in such a bond is called a sozu, which means "honored one." This distinction refers to the human's privileged status as the recipient of an imperial lions guardianship, not to a position of subservience or submission on the part of the lion. The lion is the sozu's guardian, charged to protect and assist its sozu so they can continue to carry out the will of the Empress.
A bonded lion can always track down their sozu no matter how much distance separates them. Even if the subject of the bond travels to another plane of existence, the lion's link to them will lead it to a gateway to the appropriate dimension, or at least someone or some thing likely to open one. The same ability allows them to sense when their charge is in mortal danger. If the sozu dies at the hands of another being, the lion will always be able to identify the murderer on sight, even if the lion has subsequently been bonded to another person. Whether the lion attempts to exact vengeance on the murderer depends on the will of the Empress.
When pledged to guard a temple, the ranking priests is generally treated as the lion's sozu, but it's loyalty to the temple always trumps the desires of that official if there is a conflict. Additionally, the lions telepathic link extents to all ordained priests assigned to the temple. In addition to being able to identify a murderer of one of its charges, the lion can always recognize a defiler of the temple it guards.
Average Intelligence
Imperial lions are more intelligent than their earthly counterparts, and are much more adept at intuiting human intentions and emotions, particularly those to whom they are ritually bonded.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
In addition to the highly developed senses of an apex predator, Imperial Lions can innately sense the will of the Empress as it applies to any situation and those that have been ritually bonded to humans gain an empathic link to their charge.
Average Height
5-6 feet at the shoulder
Average Weight
700-1000 pounds
Average Length
8-15 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
In addition to the usual range of colors and markings found in regular lions, imperial lions with snow white and pitch black fur have been recorded. These birth of such a cub is always seen as significant.