Chimerists are not known for creating viable new species with their experiments. Many of their abominations barely survive the process of "rebirth," and even when two properly-sexed specimens can be produced, breeding them is often difficult or impossible. Some are unable to reproduce due to sterility or lack the complete reproductive system of any of the creatures that make up their component parts. Others are simply uninterested in mating, as if nature has taken a hand in preventing the continuation of a species that it didn't author.
Occasionally, however, a Chimerist's invention not only continues its species, it thrives. Such is the case with the arachnid commonly known as the "eyeder," which are so plentiful throughout the city that a brisk business has grown up around clearing them from homes and providing herbal and alchemical remedies for keeping them at bay. Nobody knows who created the eyeder or when they first invaded the city, but they've been here for centuries.
Basic Information
Despite having unusually large mandibles and long, spindly legs, most of an eyeder's anatomy is typically arachnid. What really sets it apart is the abdominal section, which has a texture like wrinkly flesh that makes the back half of the creature resemble walnut. The eyeder's truly bizarre feature, however, is the large eye positioned on the front half of its back. Those unfamiliar with the species sometimes assume this is some sort of marking, at least until the eye moves or blinks. Both the iris and the "white" of eyeder eyes vary considerably (well beyond the human range) in color and iris shape. Some look completely human, others resemble the eyes of animals, and some resemble nothing found in nature.
The body of an adult eyeder is about the same size as a tarantula, but their long legs give them a slightly larger overall footprint, ranging from 6-15" inches from front right leg to back left leg.
Biological Cycle
The eyeder's life cycle, reproductive habits, diet, and other biological details are typical and unremarkable. The only thing that seems to separate them from mundane spiders is their unsettling eyes.
Additional Information
Some people keep eyeders as pets, but the practice is generally regarded as even more eccentric and off-putting than befriending more traditional spiders.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Eyeder venom is relatively weak and poses no real danger to humans (a bite will cause some redness and swelling that lasts a few days), but there are a few herbal remedies that make use of it. The eyeder's eye is useful for any spell or potion that requires an eye, but is no more effective than the eye of any other creature. The more common usage of the eyes is by taxidermist, who inject them with a preservative chemical for use in their work.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Eyeders are mostly limited to Khezvaros. They occasionally find their way to other cities, but don't seem to thrive elsewhere like they do the in City of Ten Thousand Daggers. Whehter this is because other cities are generally quick to exterminate any sign of a burgeoning eyeder population or due to some environmental factor peculiar to Khezvaros is unclear. Because some cities react to any appearance of eyeders by searching traffic from Khezvaros before allowing it through their gates, Khezvaran merchants have become quite vigilant about searching their cargo for eyeders or their eggs at some point after leaving the city (usually the first night).
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Whether or not an eyeder's extra eye is functional, it doesn't seem to give them any special advantages above other spiders. The eyeder reacts to most stimuli just like any other spider would.