Bestiary February in City of Ten Thousand Daggers | World Anvil

Bestiary February

  • Mythical: Griffons of Light are mystical creatures said to carry the fortunate dead to their final judgement.
  • Danger: Sin-Eater Goats are used by Hegyem miners to serve as guards against Spite Bats, but can also be dangerous to humans who find themselves subjected to them in a Kozachi Sud aka Trial By Goat.
  • Tamed: Hegyembi Mules have been domesticated for mine work.
  • Pack: Kobolds are cave-dwelling humanoids who hunt in packs.
  • Bond: The Old Man of the Forest has a spiritual bond with the woods it protects.
  • Vicious: Although far rarer than they once were, Trolls are still greatly feared for their savagery and brutality.

Cover image: Main Header Banner City of Ten Thousand Daggers by Steve Johnson


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