Nekharamika Character in City of Tears | World Anvil
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The undead child Queen of Amphisis. Nekharamika is about 10 years old and dresses in a long white robe/dress with vertical folds. On her head is a small thin circlet with the head of a serpent embossed on the front. She always has a melancholy lonely expression. Though she is a child she is one of the most powerful beings on the world of Imphalas. She is unable to leave Amphisis but every body or soul of the dead, in the city is able to be summoned or commanded by her. She can tap into all their memories and even tap into their power. Currently she stops the dead of Apharial from crossing the Amentul Landbridge.   When the Tharaoh Dominion build Amphisis to store their knowledge and their souls, they wanted a neutral and independent guardian in charge of the city. This was to be Nekharamika's fate. The Tharaoh Archons congregated in Amphisis to perform the ritual that would transform her into a Nadheru. Her mother, Nahisis wielded the knife that killed her, an act that still haunts Nekharamika to this day. What she does not know is that not only did Nahisis resurrect Ramaketen to serve as her protector and companion, but that her mother killed herself after the ritual to put some even stronger protections upon her. Not even the Thitans will be able to destroy her.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Current Location
120 110 10 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in a ritual led by her mother
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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