Tra Character in Ciphrus | World Anvil



"..-And when they said I was special cargo, they said they'd be back. It's been twelve thousand years since I've been exploring each of these Adims in order to get to the Prime. Just... reliving the same fucking thing over and over again. Each time, I watch different versions of people do the same things: destroying the world as their children reap from the ashes. I watch the Hub Five build up and then build down their expectations, as they do not destroy with barbarian rage, rather decisive ridicule with utmost prejudice. It's like they've been through it a thousand times before, too, but with no sense of delicacy to the changing of timelines. The Hub Five have long since disappeared, but..."   TRA, WINTER 12563.

Divine Domains

Tra expands and hops many Adims in order to escape the persecution of an unknown entity.

Physical Description

Body Features

His skin tone varied among timelines.

Facial Features

Varied between timelines.

Identifying Characteristics

Varied between timelines.

Physical quirks

While these also varied between timelines, he always had this gesture to keep scratching his eyebrow when he was confused.

Special abilities

Tra is an Adim Hopper, which most likely means that he has the ability of knowing most future events from memory. He may also be extraordinary in learning new subjects, almost prodigal, as well as out preforming in these contexts.

Apparel & Accessories

All he brought with him was a wrist watch that was always continuously spinning.

Specialized Equipment

Varied between timelines.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tra has been known to be at least forty billion years old, meaning that he is older than the current age estimate for the known universe. It was mentioned that he had been killing innocents long before the Event started in order to "conceal [his] existence."   He went on to explain the Hub Five to Zian Mareus, an explorer who found his corpse, who was a notorious group of inter-dimensional criminals that originated from Ciphrus in the Prime Adim. He has suggested that he either had been in contact with them, or apart of the group at some point. He also may be the only survivor from his Adim. As to what happened to the Hub Five or their whereabouts are completely unknown.

Gender Identity





Unknown, although he was perhaps a high level mage of some sort when he began his long life.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Tra was involved in the creation of the Hub, which is a device the Hub Five used to explore different Adims.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tra considers his failure with the Hub as an embarrassment. He sees it as his part in destroying his friendships.

Mental Trauma

Tra appears to have signs of paranoia and P.T.S.D. although the symptoms are very subtle, making him mostly functioning. He also appears to lack empathy, which may be a sign of psychopathy.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tra is incredibly knowledgeable in a numerous amount of subjects, most notably Termoyl and engineering. He may have obtained this from his participation in the Hub Five.

Morality & Philosophy

Tra does not usually contemplate the morals of his actions because of his devout promise to return to the Adim. He likely gave up morality a long time ago, to survive and do anything possible to return to his original Adim.



Personality Characteristics


Tra intends to do anything he can to return to his home Adim and live life there.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tra has been known to be proficient and mastery level in a multitude of skills.


Contacts & Relations

The Hub Five

Family Ties

It could have been possible that someone in the Hub Five was apart of his family.


Tra appears to be incredibly fluent in most languages, so his vocabulary is often expansive.

Wealth & Financial state

Varied between timelines.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Any details about Tra's birth, childhood, or any backstory beyond the Hub Five is completely unknown.
Circumstances of Death
Zian Mareus found the corpse of Tra in 12563, although his death is uncertain, due to his mentioning that "both outcomes would leave a Knomnolite body," meaning Tra could have escaped to another Adim or the Prime Adim.
Current Residence
Varied (between timelines)
UNKNOWN (Rotted away.)
His hair was a dark black color, like most Knomnolites had.
UNKNOWN (Rotted away.)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He is likely fluent in many languages, including Torkish (the most common form of language on Ciphrus, adopted by Tornun, Selahktia, Iunda, and parts of Undata,) Deevan (the language of the Knomnolites), and Junvak (the language of the Yetinaphs, which is not widely known.)


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