Ila "Pila" Pilavedeka Character in Ciphrus | World Anvil

Ila "Pila" Pilavedeka

Lieutenant Ila Pilavedeka (a.k.a. "Pila")

Ila "Pila" Pilavedeka is a registered First Class Lieutenant in the International Health and Militaristic Division, contracted by the East Black Cats for the protection of Beylu City and her assets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pila comes from a long background of competition. Her family's lack of wealth, coupled with the sparse job market in Beylu and her niche specialty of investigative sciences meant that she could hardly ever find a job. It wasn't until her breakthrough in 12548 that she became a detective for the Beylu Police Department and served the people through investigative prowess. She soon earned a name for herself in many federal court cases, before she was approached and contracted by the Dulurouse Corporation in 12554. From then on, she used her specialty in the field, typically offshore on the Vai Continent. When the Event happened, in 12556, she was funneled into the I.H.M.D. and served in Beylu ever since.

Gender Identity


Intellectual Characteristics

Pila is known for making something from nothing. This includes all aspects of life, including survival, observational, tactical, and social situations. She takes note of all the similarities and differences between people, environments, and their counterparts. As such, she is a deadly bounty hunter, and has been renowned as one of the best in the field as a result of her intellect.
Year of Birth
12530 4th Era
Circumstances of Birth
Ila Pilavedeka was born to a Normatite Mother and a Monox Father, Susan and Dailond Pilavedeka.
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white
125.11lbs, 56.74 kg
Aligned Organization


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