Volzian Relic Forge Technology / Science in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Volzian Relic Forge

The Relic Forge is the legacy of the volzians. A tool capable of empowering the seeker ti harness their true power. Allowing anyone who has been awakened to the true power of the volzian to forge the impossible. Even able to imbue themselves with enhancements brought on by the awakening process.
    The Volzia Relic Forge is a intresting device found in the ruins of Jentmil Ig. There is a similarity to a forge in it's shape or design. Most knowledge on this piece of technology is from the team that explored the ruins and the notes said to be written by the last volzian survivor.   The explorers belived it was used to forge weapons or objects infused with runic or sigil magic. That when combined with special tools you can forge powerful artifacts.   Based on the notes it is said to be able to infuse power into tools and objects used in forging of relics. That it can also be used by volzians to enahce their capabilitiy as a true volzian.


They are used with the combination of forging tools and the material that needs to be forged. Along with a special supply of enhancement dust that can be used in the process of the imbuing process.
Access & Availability
These forges are said to be established in most volzian settlements and can be used by any volzian to create tools to aid them. Being rather common in volzian settlements and bases. After the fall of the Volzian only ruins have been known to have them and not many being able to acturally be used by anyone.
They use the sigils, runes, and enhancement technology.
Based on notes it was discovered using knowledge left by the Lazari and things they discovered by studing artifacts. Through the use of a specially designed device they can imbue sigils into the very material used to forge a object.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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