Vincent Zavian Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Vincent Zavian

Lord Vincent Zavian

Vincent Zavian is the leader of the great Zaivan family. He gained power after Katrina Zavian died during the Haven incident. This allowed him a branch member of the family to take power as he had far more pure magical power than the other branches. With this he has skyrocketed up the political ladder and found himself upon the imperial council.   He currently plans to track down his cousin's daughter in hopes of using the potential political power she has as the first half breed between the most important families of two races.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A branch member of the Zavian family given the reigns of power after the death of Katrina Zavian. With this he took full control of the family and has taken actions to seal his power over it and to further expand the political power of the family.


Family Ties

Katrina Zavian, Nevarr ov Talion
Year of Birth
326 AF 31 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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