Prompt 4: Razor Horned Yote Species in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Prompt 4: Razor Horned Yote

A Razor Horned Yote is a canine creature with a sharp horn that can cut flesh with ease. This creature is known to hunt in packs and is capable of slicing up it's prey. Older Yote's may hunt alone as their larger size makes them crave more of the hunt causing them to be hostile to younger Yotes.   Yotes are common in the northern waste, but a recent variant has begun to make its self known in much warmer regions. Known to ve highly dangerous to most creatures and is considered the Apex Predator where ever it can be found.

Basic Information


A large canine with a bladed horn on its head that is capable of cutting through most flesh. They also have sharp claws that are extremely sharp that can be as sharp as their horn. Some may even get razored spikes along their tail.

Biological Traits

Female Yotes are larger and tougher than males. This is so they can properly protect their young and survive any potential dangers with childbirth.   While males are smaller, their horn is sharper. Which allows them to be far more deadly in a fight.

Ecology and Habitats

They tend to thrive in the cold best, which allows them to reach their full height as they tend to run hotter the bigger they get. Smaller Yotes can survive in warmer climates, but will not be able to reach their more terrifying form as long as they stay in such warmer climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat mainly meat and do have a taste for zidian sap. When it is young it will hunt in packs of three to five. While in their advanced age, they will hunt alone.

Biological Cycle

Yotes grow bigger with time and will begin to run hotter the bigger they get. Being their most active in colder temperatures the bigger they get. Some Yotes will Hibernate at warmer temperatures to regulate body heat and cool themselves down.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found in the region of Glasswinter and Greenfields. The ones in Glasswinter have a bigger coat of fur compared to the ones found in Greenfields.

Average Intelligence

They can be very strategic thanks to their pack like nature. This gives them the advantage of numbers on most prey and a means to better protect their territory.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a strong sense of smell that allows them to smell a target a mile away. They are also capable of elemental magic if they eat any zidian sap charged with an element. If so beware as they become ten times more dangerous.
Conservation Status
No, as it is seen as very dangerous and sometimes invasive.
Geographic Distribution


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