Dun Scri Geographic Location in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Dun Scri

Dun Scri or Crystal Plain is a vast plain that has out croppings of crystal like materials. This place was home to a number of tribes who lived in harmony with each other and the land. Sadly many of the tribes were pushed out  due to beast clan raiders who wished to claim this fertile land for themselves.


A lush plain with fertile ground that is surrounded by forest and mountains. Filled with crystal shards that give off a glow that makes it easy to spot them in the night. There is a large river that runs through the land adding to the beauty of the land.


Dun Scri’s ecosystem works in balance between the creatures and mystical forces that call the land home. Creatures feed on plants and drink the water that has been infused with the power of the crystals. Some creatures feed upon others and those humans who call Dun Scri home feed on all that thrive in the land. The mystic spirits feed on the growing essences that is converted thanks to the creatures and plants that exist in this land.

Ecosystem Cycles

Many of the creatures adapt to the changing season by changing up there hunting patterns or even hibernating. The changing seasons also effects the flow of essence which could cause change’s in the spirits of the land.

Localized Phenomena

Thanks to the crystal formations the land is bathed in the power of essence which cause creatures and people to be imbued with Magic. This had lead to some of the most powerful Magic users in the human race.
Though as a side effect those who leave have a chance to develop Magic corruption in the form of crystallization. Some believe that the reason this occurs is that their bodies become dependent on the unique essence that comes from the crystals found in Dun Scri.
Alternative Name(s)
Crystal Plain
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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