Tyrannosaurus Species in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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Tyrannosaurus Rex, also called Great Tooth Bane in draconic, was an apex predator found in the wilds of Laramidia, on the continent of Great Antillia.


In most of the mortal plane, the Tyrannosaurus went extinct after their much larger and deadlier cousins, the dragons, hunted and consumed them. After their extinction, the vastly intelligent dragon took the title of apex predator. However, in an area with relatively little human interaction, the continent of Great Antillia preserved them due to the Lizardfolk, considering them to be gods, protected them from dragons.   Now, the Tyrannosaurus is found exclusively in the lands of Antillia, where it runs mostly undisturbed with the rest of the dinosaurs. In recent days, human colonization of Antillia finds them to be a nuisance, but the Lizardfolk continually keep them protected from human fire arms.

Basic Information


The Tyrannosaurus was unique in that it boasted a hefty size. It was bipedal, standing on two legs to move around at tremendous speeds. It's arms were rather tiny, but it made up for this with it's strong legs and tremendous jaws that rival even a dragon's. It also had a long tail, one that could wack away enemies. Like a lizard, it had scales and was cold blooded.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like other theropods, the Tyrannosaurus would often create nests and lay eggs to produce more young. The mother tyrannosaurus would be protective of the eggs, sometimes even from the male who would, if hungry enough, try to eat them.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a tyrannosaurus egg hatched, the babies would be covered in feathers and the mother would force them to find their own food. As the tyrannosaurus grew, it would lose the insulating feathers, for it's girth alone would allow it to remain warm. As the tyrannosaurus rex hunted, they would continue to grow in size for a period of 15 years and then reached maturity and growing massive in size.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tyrannosaurus had binocular vision. Paired with it's bipedalism, this allowed it to find it's prey hiding within grass or forest areas. It's sense of smell wasn't too spectacular, however.
Scientific Name
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Conservation Status
Under protection by the Lizardfolk.
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by Eldar Zakirov


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Mar 17, 2022 08:54

Where's the goat?