Chancellor Shyrreth Palathen'm
Chancellor Shyrreth Palathen'm (a.k.a. The Shy Queen
(which is completely false))
Said to have come from the terrace farms surrounding Kel Xis'Karyn, Lady Palathen'm lead a farmers revolt against the slavery that plagued the beloved city. She is the first anti-slavery spokes person and when she took the city and was elected its Chancellor, set this as the law in her own city. There is no indentured servitude and no slavery, and she fights racism tooth and nail.
Still currently the Chancellor today, she has stayed in power for 300 years with, what others dub and has become the usual phrase, a court of Monsters. The city has not fallen, and no territorial skirmish has been lost under her rule.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Born a farmer, she lived to the age of 36, husbandless, and saw the the plight of her people, not just the farmers but those who dealt with the order inflicted upon them by their overseers, the slaves. She began to speak out publicly to her rulers who saw her as little more than a whelp of a girl, no man to give her standing. She was simply dismissed.
So she spoke louder to the common people who would listen, go to taverns and meet the slaves her suffered so. Not a healer or a politician, those who agreed with her anointed her an implicit nexus and waited on her to say the word, but she feared for her people if the rebellion failed. Tensions stirred and wafted upward, palatable to the "nobility" who ruled. They knew she was plotting but could not act, so they did nothing.
It is said that she left on a journey to Mt. Muspel then and bade the spirit of fire forth from the volcano to cleanse her city, but as the volcano was only ash, a great being of ash arrived. When she returned, she cloaked the skies and city in ash, the efforts of the people long spent, and the rebellion charged. Under the dark skies and murky air, they took the castle, overthrew the leader and sought to instate a new law.
Before any leader was elected, politicians positioned Shyrreth to be able to leverage laws to outlaw slavery in any form. That was the beginning of her career. She was then elected based on the merit of her ideas and sung praises of.
She now leads the third largest city in Tarm toward equality and peaceable values.
Circumstances of Birth
Shyrreth claims to have been born a Farmer, no special signs or markings.
Circumstances of Death
Long, Straight, Lushous and Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Platinum white
132 lbs