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The Yellow-Blue Beacon

Colour Beacons are basically big glow-sticks of different colours throughout CHG territory to help travelers know where they are, as at least 2 different beacons will generally always be within detection range of any ship, which the ship's AIs can then use to know for sure where the ship is and then inform the travelers of where they've ended up. Each colour-beacon has a unique combination of 2 colours, sometimes the same colour, to help with differentiation.

The Yellow-Blue Beacon is interesting due to it being the first one ever built, right near the homeworld of the Goners, and because it was originally built by the Goners. Thousands of years old before the humans ever even knew about it, it has a rich history.

Purpose / Function

Helping those traveling in space to get around.


More defensive structures have been added to it over time. Internal things have also changed quite a bit.


A mixture of the original Goner jazz with human alterations that have been made over centuries since it fell into human hands.


When the humans finally took over the Goner Empire, this lighthouse provided them with the idea to make similar structures across their territory, although each of the 6 Nations would only make 1. The UHN would make 8. The CHG has made 23 so far.

However, to take it the humans had to fight the Goners who were working and living (yes, living) within it and so there was the Lighthouse Battle, in which the Goners performed much better than usual by turning their lighthouse's brightness all the way up and blinding many of the enemy human ships. Ultimately, however, the humans won by shooting extra powerful lasers through important parts of the facility, causing the structure to be unable to recycle air and the Goners inside to die from suffocation. Once it was done up from the damage, it received a mixture of human and conquered Goner operators.

During the Goner rebellion, one of the highly symbolic locations the Goners went for was this Lighthouse, taking it after 42 days of harsh fighting aboard the structure. The Goner rebels were disgusted by the human alterations to what, for them, was a holy structure and so decided to undo the alterations to make their own alterations.

When the rebellion was crushed, the Lighthouse was the last stronghold of the Goner rebels. It took 5 months for the humans to retake it from the desperate defenders.

During the reign of the CHG (sorry, nothing really interesting happened in UHN times), there was an attack on the structure by the Sagwalli Templar, a military group within the LIR. The Sagwalli surprised the defenders by crashing their ships right into the structure, with the survivors of such crashes rampaging throughout the facility, destroying everything they saw. The Sagwalli were ultimately repelled but wow. Lots of repairs had to be done. It was thanks to this that the CHG added so many turrets to it after Jeff showed them how to duplicate matter.
So many times.
Alternative Names
"The Blue-Yellow Lighthouse", "The first Lighthouse", "The alien Lighthouse"
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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