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The biggest place of worship in all of humanity

One day some bored trillionaires met up and were like "yo we should build a megastructure on that planet there where nobody lives and make it a place of worship for people of lots of religions". Somehow the CHG government gave them permission to do this (???) and so a beautiful lush green world had this giant structure built into it. This structure took over 70 years to build with highly advanced technology and tonnes of people working on it and when it was done, it was utterly beautiful. It was more like a collection of temples and churches all attached together while seemlessly merging where they met. Overall, the structure, which left large areas of nature that it encircled free and wild, was 5 times the size of New York currently. Over time, many holy relics of many religions were brought there and people of countless religions, once they got past the "eww I'm not worshiping my god in the same building as someone else who has a different name for the same god" phase, went there on pilgrimages and even settled on the planet. To this day, the structure has been getting extensions and additions and is constantly receiving more and more internal decorations. One one occasion, several hundred old churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship were taken from Earth and placed within some of the internal gardens, technically making them part of the structure.

Purpose / Function

These trillionaires wanted to charge people tonnes of money to come to the temple but it didn't work out when it turned out they legally couldn't bar people from entry and lots of other companies got in on the transport business of taking people to and from this planet. Overall it finally became profitable after 4 generations for their families, who were previously in massive debt, due to charitable donations and the money they got from the transport business, at which point it was hella profitable because they're on their way back to trillionaire status.


Lots of additions. The thing was announced as completed before internal decorations were done and those are constantly being added to with masses of paintings, murals and the like. It also became residential when many nuns, monks, etc started living there.


The old styles used in lots of temples, churches, mosques, etc all meshed together in a crazy assortment.


Well the basics are already summarized so here's a few interesting events: some aliens tried to invade the planet to crush CHG morale and were met with a massive army of religious zealots. It was the main breeding ground for the Church of Blades, a religion that kind of tries to merge a large number of major religions together and then pours a tonne of militarism in there too.
Alternative Names
"Damn that's big", "You can smell the holiness from light years away, even in the vacuum of space"
Cathedral / Great temple
Related Ethnicities
Owning Organization
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