The Blah'quiri Ethnicity in Chellok | World Anvil
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The Blah'quiri


  The Blah'quiri is the name of an ethnic group native to the eastern seaboard of the largest continent on the human homeworld of Prakyun. Anthropologists generally adhere to the theory that their ancestors traversed the ocean on primitive boats. With the advent of DNA profiling technologies, lineage tests have added evidence and weight to this theory. Although over time there has been a diaspora of many of Blah'quiri descent across the continent, close to 60% of the population in the Tara River Valley is still of Blah'quiri descent.
A view of the highest point of the Tara River Valley about 30km from the river's source.
    The fertile farmlands and mild climate of the Tara River Valley allowed for rapid population growth, and the Blah'quiri nation of Yeamu enjoys a claim to an uninterrupted and unconquered 3,000 year rule. This claim has given the Blah'quiri a tremendous amount of cultural clout and gravitas that exists even in modern Prakyun culture. Essentially since the beginnings of civilization and the agricultural revolution on Prakyun, the Blah'quiri have maintained control of the Tara River Valley.

Currently, the Blah'quiri hold more political offices, legislature seats, and executive positions in the private sector than any other ethnic or racial group on the continent.

Blah'quiri on Chellok

The Yeamu National Space Program (YNSP) was responsible for marketing, raising funding, organizing, and launching what was arguably the most successful emigration program to Chellok. YNSP was responsible for landing the first humans on Chellok, and soon after repeated that success numerous times. About two-thirds of the astronauts, scientists, engineers, and even pilgrims on YNSP ships were of Blah'quiri descent. However, the due to modern civil rights movements and the push to eliminate inequities in Yeamu, the YNSP developed their populating programs to be representative of the racial and ethnic make-up of Prakyun at large. There was a strong political movement and desire to not carry the mistakes and societal inequities to the new moon.

On Chellok, the elite Blah'quiri who manned the early ships set out to first, create a successful and sustainable human colony, and to second, ensure that cooperation and sharing were the underlying principles by which their new colony would operate on.

The YNSP's Blah'quiri pilgrims founded the human nation of Porvin in the spring of 1 HE. After the Sugran made first contact, it was a Blah'quiri politician named Kiri Hiyo, backed by the YNSP's successful colony-building program, who was largely responsible for helping to establish peaceful relations between species.

To this day, those of Blah'quiri descent enjoy a privilege on Chellok among both humans and Sugran cultures.

On the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Yeamu National Space Program:

"The politics of Prakyun are bloated and broken. Not in 3,000 years could the greatest minds of Yeamu achieve equality. Lest we repeat the same crimes on an unsullied moon, our nation's Chellokan immigration program will be our pride, our legacy, and our testament to the ideals for which generations of our Yeamu and Blah'quiri ancestors have toiled." — Talio Punboto, 93rd Aglio of Yeamu.


Author's Notes

Image by Efraimstochter via

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