Octnon (lizardfolk, LizardKings). Kuan Region Species in Charron | World Anvil

Octnon (lizardfolk, LizardKings). Kuan Region

Generally about 5 ft average height, with various builds and body type by region and clan/subspecies. Some have spines, others more webbed or finned, others ahve club tails or wide strong muscular tails. Body color is greens, browns and greys with highlights of black, yellow and red. They are heterotherm sequential hermaphrodites switching from female to male and back over one to two seasons and use Ze, Zay as pronouns. The overall society is a tribal/ clan structure and immediate and practical. Yesterday is dead and tomorrow is a dream, neither of them exist. Their speech is a crude pidgin in all except their own language. The culture stresses spartanism, non-emotionalism, loyalty and mysticism. Four is a holy number, often encountered in the world and is a reflection of deeper truths

Basic Information


Bipedal, tailed reptilian/ draconoformic heterotherms with sharp carnivore teeth and clawed digits. Generally about 5 ft tall +/- 1. Body colors are green, brown, grey with black, red or yellow highlights. Pupils are diamond shaped.

Genetics and Reproduction

Octnon are sequential hermaphrodites over 1-2 seasons. Pairs or more many produce 1-4 eggs per individual which are typically transferred to large fortified Clan Houses for incubation and care of young. Parental investment is nil. Each generation are cousins, with youngers, olders, seniors, elders and eldest. Clan house keeps are Pyramidal squares with open courtyard for Hatchling pens and training yards. Smaller step Pyramids with housing above and storage below. Hamlets (Nestings) will be primary clanmates with secondary allied from other clans. Larger communities with multiple Clan Houses and smaller Nestings of mates form villages and cities. Cross clan Nesting teams may be established by clans or individual contract.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchlings: wild and instinctual. Aggressive. 1-2 ft tall and unto 2 yrs. Young: They begin to speak and have understanding. 2-4 ft start training skills. Adult: Begin service to the clan and develop more specific skills or duties. Mature: general workers Seniors: Masters of sections Elders: Rulers

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily carnivores they do eat some fruits and vegetables. They mostly do not cook, preferring to eat things raw. Fermentation and salting are practiced, though Octnon tastes are limited to salty, bitter, sour and unami(meaty).

Additional Information

Social Structure

Traditional Garb: basic - belts, harnessses, simple cloak and or loin cloth. Perhaps a vest. Rarely boots or foot wear.

Octnon believe in eternal return, the ancestors living in the present order and repeating the ritual cycles in the clan. The importance of the individual is in service to the clan. Within a clan all of a generation refers to each other as cousins, olders as uncles, the eldest as elders.

Octnon like, enjoy or have devotion/ loyalty but no “love” concept.

All clan members are tattooed with the clan emblem beside the eye. Outcasts (free agents, chronicly disobedient, those who bring harm to the clan) are marked with an different tattoo which may be struck if status is restored. New clans are rarely established, then only under religious direction, possibly by independence minded outcastes, theistic & philosophical side groups, or exceptional individuals chronically exposed to alien ideas.

Status: 0: Ferals - Hatchlings and young. 1: Firsts: apprentice levels, trainees. 2: Seconds: Low skill low ambition or low intelligence ( mostly) Warriors: Guards and soldiers - typically low intelligence. Higher intelligence are commanders. Brooders: Care and feeding of Hatchlings and young. Sing and talk to the pens of hatchlings. Crafters: Skilled workers Overseers: Master level workers and agents Specials: Free agents, magically powerful Elders.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Taste doesn't include sweet. Hearing is about human standard. Vision extends to heat spectrum. Touch sensitivity is lower than humans due to the scaled skin.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Ikosh: Mongrels, outcastes and half breeds.
Rikeh: Wide snout, generalist
Eshe: Heavy armored w spines on back and tail. Military skill and focus, less deft due to bulk and large claws.
Chueskeu: Muscled w. knobbed tail. Brawlers.
M’Jeu: Dorsal spines w fin. Arm spines and membranes. Glide or short flight.
Umoti: Flat Tail and webbed: green and brown.
Iweo: Long necked, lighter build light tan, brown, white, yellow. Runners. - Have Dragon Magic Mages as well as Dragon cult.
Tyjut: Dark reds and black colors. Horns,

Beauty Ideals

Geometric designs and symetery rather than representative or expressive arts.

Average Technological Level

Technology is consistent with the surrounding civilizations - iron age with alchemy, magics and metallurgy. Theology is limited and Octnon of Kuan Region are Traditional Dragon Cult who may develop an elemental magic. Occasional Dragon Magic practice. Hermetic, Shaman, Sorcery and Necromancy are extremely rare and not viewed as proper. They are subject to Corruption and may practice Corruption powers, Blood Magic and Black Magic.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Dress Code

Loin cloth, skirt like / kilt . Vest or harness and belts. Generally bare foot or sandal type footwear. They prefer not to go to colder climes where heavy clothes and furs may be needed.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Strictly applied and now oriented. Possibility doesn't exist - things either happen or they don't. Past and Future are of limited concern, there is only Now. Don't believe on embellishment beyond geometric designs. Octnon believe in eternal return, the ancestors living in the present order and repeating the ritual cycles in the clan. The importance of the individual is in service to the clan. Octnon like, enjoy or have devotion/ loyalty but no “love” concept. They like gold for it's color and lack of tarnish, and association with the Sun.

Common Myths and Legends

The seasons and patterns of the world are holy reflections of the mystery of the 4. 4 toes. 4 fingers.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Octnon tend to being insular and isolated from other species, preferring to associate within Clan and allied Clans. Other species are recognized as custoners and suppliers of Octnon needs and products
There is much debate on origins: some claim ancestry from Dragons. Others as products of Gods. Or a fusion of Dragons and elementals.

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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