Pathfinder Conversion
Chardovil's systems are converting from D&D 5e to Pathfinder 2e!
Godslayer materials will written for PF 2e first, while Ascension materials will be converted later, due to the Upstairs Gang's ongoing Ascension Campaign.

Astral Ship

The Astral Sea is a dangerous void between reality and dreams, and leaving the safe haven of Yalha means accepting a certain amount of risk. Primarily used by the Silver Sights Travel Co., Astral Ships vary in size from a grand vessel capable of ferrying thousands of passengers, to much smaller and nimble ships suitable for avoiding or neutralizing threats.


One major characteristic of Astral Ships is that they cannot be manned by any entity with a physical body, so the crew is made of Vektlos and Spirits, though Slevbists can also opperate these ships.


The Spirits opperating Astral ships are primarily Glemsi Spirits, meaning that their soul was separated from their body and mind from some unnatural cause. They don't often serve as captains of larger ships, as the council overseeing the Silver Sights Company believes Spirits to be "too emotional" to keep calm in a crisis.
Are Spirits Unable to Command?
No. One of the greatest captains of the Astral Sea was Captain Arien Evan, who was a Glemsi Spirit that commanded the SSS-Burning Viper, one of the first Astral Warships, and built a reputation for being ruthless in defending the Company's smaller passenger ships.


Usually holding leadership positions on larger ships, the Vektlos are generally quiet and focus on doing their jobs. When in combat or a crisis, they remain calm and collected, rarely raising their voices unless necessary, though those who are close to a Vektlos captain can detect anxiety or panic they are concealing.
SSS - "Silver Sights Ship"
Owning Organization
Current location
10pp per nautical mile
Complement / Crew
Vektlos and Glemsi Spirits
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
10 - 5,000, plus crew

Cover image: Silver Sights Cover by Ynix


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