Xendrian Ethnicity in Cesaret | World Anvil
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The Xendrian were the first culture or Cesaret. They were manly hunters, making tools and clothes from the animals. They lived on cliffs and worship the spirits. It is said they believed the courage spirits lived on the cliffs, and if they stayed in touch with the outside, the spirit would guid them through their lives. So on the cliffs the leaders would pray to the spirit, asking for guidance and help.


Common Dress code

Xendrians wore different clothing depending on their rank. Commoners wore feathered pants or skirts and animal skin shirts. Leaders and their families wore much more expensive clothing. Girls had feathered dresses a animal skin gloves, boy had animal skin suits with a feathered V going across the chest.

Art & Architecture

They lived in small villages with huts called plents. Small twig boxes covers with a layer of mud. The leaders lived in a dome to signify that they were higher and different from the commoners. The inside of a plent was simple. It had straw mattress and a stump in the middle. The stump was meant as a table. They didn't have chairs so Xendrians sat on the floor.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Commoners all ate in there plents with their families, Leaders all ate outside together. Eating outside meant you were of high rank, an equal to the greatness of the land.   Boys all learned a trade at a young age. Their trades included, Nesting, a hunting, or carving. Nesters built the plents, hunters killed the animals for food, and carvers made tools and skinned the animals. Girls were cooks or designers. They cooked and prepared the food for leaders or their families, or if they were a designer they made clothes.   On the first day of every year the Xendrians get together for the courage ceremony. The leaders call upon the spirit and the commoners celebrate what the spirit has done for them. This day is a day only for the courage spirit. They do dances and eat special foods until the last second of the day. Then they all sleep outside and have a night prayer for prosperity through the year.

Coming of Age Rites

Once a boy or girl turned ten they were considered adults and had to do their jobs.

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