"The amputator of memories" Character in Hammersphere | World Anvil

"The amputator of memories"

His real name, now forgotten
Arkhi Taekhimal /Arki takimal/

I am Tlalor, I am death. Execute order Nihil Delta Void Checksum.


The amputator is a shadowy figure in Tlalor politics and society, partially reponsible for Wajakamal Kundalini aka Nox-1 K-1-LAR's rise to power, he is the one who discovered the damage to their memories that was happening to all his peers of similar age.

  Killgrave Blizzard was his first test subject, and was the victim of much experimentation, such that none believe Killgrave has any authentic memories left. This is untrue. What he actually remembers
Killgrave only remembers events stored in his long-term memory more than 11000 years ago, before his mind started to deteriorate. The damage to his brain was that extensive.


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