Stone Turn Tradition / Ritual in Central Haven | World Anvil
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Stone Turn

Stone Turn is a dice and tile game. It plays 1-6 people. The object of the game is to get the most points. You get points by placing tiles into a grid. Each tile has a shape that is colored. There are also six crowns tiles. The crown tiles are where you start placing your tiles. Either the color or shape has to match. So the crown tile, which has a crown on it with each side a different color is placed in front of the player. When the player starts to place tiles down they have to match color to color on the crown tile. From there out it can either be color or shape that matches.   One goal for points is to create a wall. This is accomplished by using one shape or color around your other tiles. The longest wall is 15 points. Another way to get points is to have different patterns, there are 5 points for each different pattern. 2 points can be awarded each round if the player is able to place the number that the dice says to. 1 point is taken away for every not placed tile at the end of the game. Points are kept through out the game by each player on a score card. To start all tiles expect for the crown tiles are placed in the tile bag. Each player then roles the purple dice after taking their crown tile. The number on the dice is how many tiles the player pulls from the bag. They don’t show what tiles they have. They hand the dice and tile bag to next player who repeats the process until all have tiles. Once all players have tiles they decide who goes first. In the rules it states the tallest goes first. In other places it states who is the shortest or youngest or oldest. It really doesn’t matter as long as the group comes to a decision. Once the first player takes their turn the play continues to the player on their right. A players turn is they roll both dice. The purple, green and black. The purple dice tells you how many tiles you draw. The green dice tell you how many tiles you have to play. Lastly the black tells you if you can place the tiles or not. Each dice is 8 sided. The black dice has a symbol instead of numbers. Three sides have the symbol while the rest of them are blank. On the players turn they roll the dice and do what the dice say. If unable to lay all tiles down, during their next turn they have to add two tiles to the number on the dice. Game ends when the tiles run out. Then everyone rolls the green dice once to try to lay out as many tiles they have left. Then the end points are taken care of. The one with the most points is the winner.

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