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Lady Serenity

Lady Serenity is a well-known and highly respected leader of the town Meeklake on the continent Owhua. She was born in a small little cottage on the outskirts of Meeklake. Her parents two feline shifters named her Serenity because of how calm she was as a youngling. Her father was a former warrior, and her mother was a high-class lady both came from a far-off city. Her father taught her all he knew even though they were in an uneasy truce with their neighboring town of Willowrange. Her mother taught her all that she had been taught. She gathered the reputation of being one of the sweetest, helpful, kind, and strong but don’t mess with her.
She attended the small school that was in the town. When she was finished the governor of Meeklake, Char Pennus, asked her to join his council. He said it was for protection but also he liked her and wanted her for himself. She did not return his affections but quickly learned that he was a very corrupt governor. He was embezzling taxes, stifling the trade, and blocking what the local military could do. She gathered what evidence that she could to take to the council to dispose of Char Pennus. However, before she could Char trapped her and threatened her. She was unsure of what to do as Char was holding her parents over her head. The morning before a council meeting a young man came to her, Callides, who was also on the council. He had heard what Char Pennus had said and was willing to bring up all the evidence in her place. She agreed and by the end of the meeting, Char Pennus was disposed of as Governor and taken to jail. The council quickly voted in Serenity as Governor.
 She took on the name Lady Serenity and placed Callides as second in command as Regent Callides. Shortly after this change the war with their neighboring town of Willowrange flared. It sadly took five years to end. Although though out, Lady Serenity and Regent Callides went into each battle. She strengthened the trade ties that Meeklake had which helped in the war effort. As soon as the war was over she worked until she stepped down as Governor to improve all of the area's relations, to prevent more wars. She was credited with preventing at least two other wars from breaking out. A school that her son started honored Lady Serenity each year in a celebration remembering her leadership skills.

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Aug 13, 2022 11:22 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! You may not know me, but I am the sponsor of the Great Leader of Their People Summer Camp Prompt this year! Since you wrote this article, I would like to know, would you mind me reading it aloud on my Twitch channel next week? I have a lot to get through so it helps to do it live while people watch. If not, it's okay! Not agreeing to be streamed definitely does not put you at any disadvantage for winning in my eyes. Please respond swiftly by replying here (make sure to click REPLY under my comment or I won't be notified), message me on my World Anvil profile page, Discord, or anywhere else you find me online.   Thanks again! Whatever you choose, God bless and much success! <3

Aug 13, 2022 17:38

Hello LexiCon, yes you can read it aloud on your twitch. Thank you and good luck.

Aug 13, 2022 21:09 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Thanks for permission! I'll try to let you know when I plan to stream in case you'd like to check it out. You can also always watch streams after the fact on my YouTube channel if you aren't able to make it or prefer not to be there live. :)

Aug 15, 2022 04:17 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Just an update: I've scheduled to go live at 8am and 8pm Eastern Time every weekday this week. If you join the stream and comment, I can go over your article right then and there! If you'd like to coordinate a specific date, feel free to reply below or contact me at one of the places in my post above. If not, remember you can watch anytime at my YouTube channel. I'll try to go back through and let you know which episode yours fell on. :D

Aug 24, 2022 16:28 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. I pray all is well. I went over your article last night in my final stream. Here's the link for the replay if you'd like to take a look. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE STREAM IS ALMOST SEVEN HOURS XD but I tried to link the articles in the description and the comments in the order they appeared for your skippy-through convenience. :D If not, no worries at all. Thanks again for allowing me the honor! Have a blessed one. <3