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The Lone Child

Stand with your Gtar or be on your own when the Lone Child comes to claim you.   ~ Common warning told to adolescent Golotian
  The Osgar Golmugra or "Lone Child" is a mythological creature found within the rich and complex oral traditions of the Golotian. Given that it is the living embodiment of various concepts that the Golotian find revulsive and downright abhorrent, it is no wonder that the Lone Child is a common mythical antagonist and the most well-known type of boogeyman.   While it is predominantly featured in children's stories it also possesses several memorable appearances in the myths and legends of the adults. Within these stories, it usually appears as one of the last challenges a group of ascending heroes have to overcome in order to reach their goal and not all of them succeed.  


Hate me...loathe me...fear me...for I am everything you are afraid to become.   ~ The Lone Child in "Maw of Darkness"
  Nearly every tale that involves the Lone Child contains at least a small mention to as to how the creature allegedly came into existence. In nearly all of these backstories, the Lone Child was once a regular Golotian that was somehow transformed into the abominable creature it is today. While the reasons for this transformation include anything from tragic accidents to divine punishments, most stories point to a specific negative trait or behavior of the Lone Child which either caused or at least accelerated its transformation.   This so-called "damning flaw" is usually the polar opposite of the trait most valued by the Clan of the storyteller, though some bards also decide to give the Lone Child a whole plethora of damning flaws in order to highly the sheer vileness of the creature and to remove any redeeming quality from it.

Cultural Reception

I walk alone!   ~ Warcry of Clan Samogas
  Given their solitary nature, the members of Clan Samogas, are rather fond of this myth and in fact, commonly regard the Lone Child as the mythical founder of their Clan and sometimes even go so far as to call themselves the "Lone Children".   The fact that this causes considerable horror and disgust in other Clans quite nicely fits with Clan Samogas image as a pariah clan.


Given the age of the myths containing the Lone Child, it is no wonder that the description of the creature is highly varied. In some tales, it is an emaciated husk fully consumed by its endless hunger   In others, it is a bloated monstrosity whose poisonous words dull the minds of every Golotian that listens to them and within yet other tales, it is described as a bodyless spirit that possesses those turn the backs on their Clan.  

Alternative Names

The Hungering One, Child of Stagnation, Herald of Solitude, Thrice-Crowned Beast, He Who Stands Alone, Eater of Bonds  
Related Species

Cover image: by Free-Photos


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