Vampires Species in Ceilot | World Anvil
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There are many forms of predators, but the most feared are the ones no one can prove exists.

Basic Information


Humanoid in appearance, though they have no beating heart, and the substance that flows through their veins is quite different from human blood.

Genetics and Reproduction

They cannot reproduce, instead another humanoid species must be transformed into a vampire through the transfer of saliva into the blood system. This is typically done by biting, but can also occur in other ways, even through kissing (though, this is usually accidental.) The amount of time it takes for a transformation to complete varies greatly. It can happen in an hour, or it can take months. It's assumed that the strength of vampiric saliva is diluted with every transformation and/or through each generation.

Growth Rate & Stages

They do not age. The age at which a humanoid is transformed into a vampire is the age it stays forever. It is unknown if they ever die.

Ecology and Habitats

It is rumored these creatures are contained to the Hollow Wood Forest.

They aren't.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although the rumors state these creature survive solely on the blood of other creatures, this isn't entirely true. In fact, Vampires don't need blood at all to survive, though they do have a strong craving for blood, and most do consume it on a regular basis. Their main diet however consists of meat. Ironically, they can't seem to digest plants that are rich in iron, and they seem to dislike garlic. Whether they hunt for fresh meat, or scavenge for pre-killed food is a personal preference, though generally they eat all their food as soon as it is available rather than using any sort of storage system. (Their lack of ability to store or preserve food may be what has lead to the rumors of winter hibernation.)

Biological Cycle

It's rumored they hibernate in the winter. There is no evidence to support or deny these claims.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Although it is rumored they are confined to the same general geographical location, there is no assumption that they colonize or socialize in any manner. (Humans are too ignorant and fearful to notice that there is indeed a quite large vampire only- village in the Hollow Wood Forest.)
See Vampire Village (Village Name Pending)

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have all of the human sensory abilities, though their detection of scent is much stronger and their eyesight is greatly hindered by the presence of light. When they are unable to see they can use echolocation by making a sound the humans describe as "indescribable." It is assumed they are also capable of magic, though no studies have been done to confirm or deny this claim.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Skinny is ideal. Long hair is beautiful for either gender. Dental care is of utmost importance.

Gender Ideals

As they cannot sexually reproduce, gender is not really of much importance to them. Generally though, as they grew up in other humanoid civilizations that promote cis-genderism, most vampires identify with the gender they were born with.

Relationship Ideals

Once you pick a partner, you stick with them for life. If you abandon your partner, you are no longer welcome in the vampire village.

Average Technological Level

It is assumed they do not use technology. Though, they do use fire, so they aren't total barbarians.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They typically speak Land-Common. Dialects range from middle (earth equivalent of Celtic-European) to northern (Earth equivalent of Asian), there are very few southern (Earth equivalent of southern USA through south america, and semi-Spanish) vampires.

Common Etiquette Rules

Don't eat other vampires. Do not eat their former families (humans who were not transformed.)

Common Dress Code

Although there aren't really any rules regarding dress, in the vampire village, skin is considered to be unpleasant to look at. Skin should only be shown on food. Thus, they are dressed very modestly. Men cover all but their hands and faces. Women wear gloves and often veils, and children are encouraged to do the same. (Though depending on the age of the child and the time period during which they were transformed, it isn't easy to get them to comply.)

Common Taboos

Do not transform without consent. (It is viewed as the equivalent of rape, even if it occurs accidentally.)

Historical Figures

Unnamed -- The guy who founded the vampire village. Raphael -- more info to come. Sonyta -- She claims to be a vampire, though it is generally assumed that she is lying, and she merely eats human flesh because she has some sort of brain disease.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Strictly forbidden
Scientific Name
Homo Nosferatu Vampiris

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