A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 21 Document in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 21

In which a market trip to Lea takes an unexpected twist.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
12. Asealae, 24,543 - Lea   Today Remaue, Kaure, and Vosaeth bade we should make a market day. So with them and Vosaeth’s harem, Erymi, Tae, Oshis, Less, and the children we rode the bridge into the city and went among the shops and stalls, which became quite the troop. It soon became eyesome that my beloveds had a forethought in mind, for we went to a goldsmith, who at Vosaeth’s beseech brought forth a new neckband of twist-wrought rose gold, but also with cunning dips bent into both fore and rear, where, outlaid Remaue, one could handily drape a halter-scarf. Outwardly, they bespoke it as an early birthtide gift, though I beread it as a fitter and couther thing to the neckband I had held. When Remaue set it on my neck, I shut my eyes, squeezed her hands, and would not let her free. The others gathered tight and reached their antennae and hands to share our dearness.   At noontide we tarried and ate at a wineyard on the city’s lakeside, down on the cliffwall. With the Sun Herself bare, the water glowed to match Heaven overhead in full strength. When the others stirred to keep marketfare, I chose to stay for slumbertide and mind the sight. I stood with Remaue and Kaure upon the walldeck, begladdening in the cool wind lifting my bodyshroud while I leaned on Kaure’s mighty shoulder, my thick belly propped on her back, her nape nestled within my bosom, my chin upon her head, and Remaue’s head upon my shoulder while Lanaryel in her mother’s arms played impishly with my ear-darts. Over Mother-Arasene, hovering between the endless blue above and the shifting waveglass blue below, fisherhawks hunted. I felt enwrapped not only in love, but in the World-Soul’s awe, with Burning-Mother’s shining blessing.   Bywardly, Remaue took Lanaryel to watch a hoverball game in the next lane. Kaure hosted me into the wineyard and brought me to a bench, whereon I took my belly’s weight off my legs and tarried. She left with my goodwill, since all knew to meet back here. The winewright lissomely brought a pillow and bade I might spend slumbertide as I wished. Under this idleness, I lay back and shut my eyes.   Amidst half-slumber, my antennae twitched. An inkling rankled my dream, and I opened my eyes. There stood Lady Byreath, who had right come into the wineyard. The Zhihuafa clanwife stared at me.   Behaving so mildly as I could, I idly sought about but saw none of my flagmates. Neither did I see any of Byreath’s clanmates, which relieved somewhat. For better or worse, I found myself alone with this Retaean reaverwife whom I so mislike: two ladies behappily meeting at market slumbertide, but which made me wonder whether it was quite so hapful.   Lady Byreath greeted and asked leave to worship. Recking that, with the winewright, the waiters, and other idlers, we were not truly alone, I yaysaid. So she knelt, set hand on my thigh, and kissed my belly. In the Retaea wise, she praised the goddess enfleshed within me. I bestowed the goddess’s blessing. Until so far, all couth and right.   Byreath straightened on her knee, kept her hand on my thigh, and met my eyes. She outspoke praise at my livelihood’s deeds, of which she seemed whitsomely well learned, and said she hoped someday to match them. Evenly I answered she should not misdeem her own deedfulness as clanwife and leader. She then asked what I, with my high kindred and the goodwill of great ladies over Western Asana, would do next, whether I would happily tarry upon my nameworth or seek something greater. I asked her meaning, at which she outlaid, with my babe soon abirth and my greatest deeds ereward, whether I would withdraw from city business or would undertake some new leadership.   Her words bothered somewise, as if she foreguessed I might forsake outriderhood. I told I shall stay as I am, with no thought further than to serve with my flagmates.    Lady Byreath acknowledged that my wish is an easy thing to forespeak, but will doubtlessly prove harder when I must set a child on my foresaddle. She put forth that, under my kin’s goodwill, surely I could find easier stallworth among a city's matronhood, letting me time to raise my child and oversee my house’s growth. I said back that way is shut to me, and that if she had thought it open, then she knows less of my tale.    The Zhihuafa clanwife answered that she knows of my feud with Lady-Mother but believes that it will heal. Then she offered that, if it would help that health, she would give a new ally to bring back to Son, one who would ensure that Son’s sway upon the Retaea may become even so great as when Queen Lanare gathered all the clans under her throne.   Her offer gave me halt. Thanks to Remaue, who named our daughter after Queen Lanare, and my own lore, I know something of her history, who was the first ever to name herself ~Shaezhaue~ - Queen of Queens - and indeed made that nameworth so evil that it forevermore bestows evil on whomsoever benamed. I also reminded that Lanare’s greatest aftercomers were the Thief-Queens, whomof Byreath doubtlessly knew. So I answered that Son does not seek sway over the Retaea, merely friendship, and would do nothing to weaken her younger sister Lea’s stand. Then I outspoke hope Lady Byreath would behave as my friend and worship my wish.   Byreath nodded; mouth still friendly, though her antennae hinted stubbornness. She said she would almost believe, if however she had not good word that I sought to bestow worth on another, in which deed I would gain the same sway I even right now naysaid. I asked her meaning, at which she answered I already knew. Her words made me guess that somehow she had heard whisper of the outriders’ moot-tide and their inseech of Vosaeth, and maybe of Byreath, too. I answered that if she had so heard, she had heard wrongly, for I have not stirred for anyone’s sake, else than to speak true when asked.   Another question Byreath asked: ~Dei yi rulimis omoni-vya?~ - “Would you so speak for my sake?” to which I spoke back: ~Vi muzyeli, o zhealf,~ - “If asked, I will answer.” Yet at my word she looked offward, toward the lake and Heaven’s light glowing off Mother-Arasene’s. I beread it was not the answer she had forehoped. Reckoning further, in earlier not gainsaying her foe, my word now she might betake as ill will’s proof. I bewared that, even against my will, I had made a foe.   Byreath remarked it is odd I bestow Lady Vosaeth such love and faith, a reaverwife known, beguilted, and bedeemed, even when I hold such high-minded thoughts. I answered that love and faith Vosaeth has earned, at my side and stirrup to stirrup, and furthermore that she has outshriven her sins, though they have dearly wounded her pride. ~Dei ahi thomya limis?~ - “Can you say the same?”   At my ask, all seemliness fled Byreath’s face. Her hand squeezed me thigh. ~Sheilf naeshya utharru mi assamarru~ she hissed: “I wish health upon your babe and house,” though I heard no such mood. Swiftly she leaned and kissed my belly again, and I swear a chill shot into me, so that my babe quailed.   Lady Byreath rose and left the wineyard even while Vosaeth and Erymi, and Oshis bearing Tesine and Sonnauf, followed by her whole harem, incame. The Zhihuafa clanwife strode wordlessly by Vosaeth my oath-sister. My housemates watched the clanwife go ere they neared, making me wonder how much of our talk they had overhead.    Something in my mood must have warned, for Vosaeth asked my worry and laid little Sonnauf in my arms. So heedfully as I could (for I am still sworn to keep the Outriderhood’s talk secret), I told Byreath had come to woo my goodwill, as I had heard she was doing among the city’s matronhood, but I had outproven less yielding.   Vosaeth frowned and kissed my brow. Weightily (a seldom mood for her) she spoke: ~O’limi-nili shoraf aumura Shaverazeura, o lathassura o vae mi os. O’ziari vi sheazaf, a Miaele: o’sheili Byreath Shaveraze qoanye~ - “Many say that I bear the Thief-Queens’ blood, which shows in my soul and deed. Yet I tell you this, my Shieldsister: Byreath wishes to become a Thief-Queen.”   She stroked my brow while I hugged her babe. Off at the yard’s edge Oshis our shared fathermate prowled, an ugly wrath twisting his antennae, the look of a man whose whole kindred, both children and mothermates, are threatened. Manlier than wise we jokingly name him. Yet more fairly we should name him worthier than wise. Given forehap, I misdoubt he would reck not his own welfare, and dolefully if he thought he could berid us of Byreath’s threat. At that qualmful thought I begged Erymi to soothe him, for we would not let him do something that may get him banned again, or worse.   A last thing: with Remaue and Kaure ahost I marched to the city’s citadel and asked hearth with Lady Iman, the Mistress of Outriders. When she heard me, I knelt and grabbed her knee, against her gainsaith. Then I told: ~O’doel-limi, a Lareil, sa halaeshaea-naztis,~ - “It wounds me to say, Lady-Mistress, but you are betrayed.” She frowned and asked my meaning, whereat I told that Lady Byreath had met me, and by her words I gathered strong hint she knew our whole latterday talk among the Outriderhood.   I watched the Lady-Mistress’s eyes widen, and her thoughts writhe. She asked me whose deed, though I knew not. Then she spoke this is indeed grim that one of her outriders had broken trust and shriven our secrets. Though I could tell anger and sorrow overtook, she upraised me, took me in her arms, and thanked my frankness. Then she asked me to tell none else and gave lissome leave. I went ruing this sorrow, and not only for Lady Iman’s sake, but also for the ruthful outrider so guilty. What might have outcome to break her oath I know not, but when her name is unwhelmed, she will meet a fierce doom.
Lashunta Terms & Phrases:
  • ~Shaezhaue~: queen of queens; empress; tyrant
  • ~Rulimassi~: to declare; speak for
  • ~Omoni~: sake; behalf; case
  • ~Muzassi~: to ask; inquire
  • ~Zhealassi~ to answer; respond
  • ~Thoma~: same
  • ~Naeshi~: health; good health
  • ~Utha~: child; babe
  • ~Assama~: household
  • ~Shaveraze~: The Thief-Queens
  • ~Miaele~: Shield-Sister; term of endearment among warriors who have served together
  • ~Lareil~: Lady-Mistress; honorific address for the head of the Order of Outriders
  • ~Halaeshaeassi~: to betray; assassinate

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Cover image: by Damie-M


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