The Continent of Castordia
Castordia is largely an unpleasant land, the howling tundras of the north rage across the empire of Okan, where none are born free. Southward, a mountain range divides the continent, with it's harsh peaks and savage inhabitants. Upon the ranges' eastern front is a grand lake with black waters that consume the very essence of one's being.
Further east live the bronze elves, and merfolk, hemmed in on all sides by harsh peoples and terrain. The rest of the east is ruled by an assortment of princes and lords, who roam across desert plains, and craggy pits.
The southern waters of Castordia, known as the Doglands, are littered with islands and rocks inhabited by a variety of aqueous humanoids. Longfolk, Crabwalkers, Sharkknights, and The Barnicled. These fish people associate mostly with orcs, and are widely viewed with disdain.
The West of the country is perhaps the most hospitable, rolling hills and small castles prevail, but what cities there are exist as exuberant hubbubs of culture.
Further to the west are islands of necromancers and outcasts, the occasional lighthouse faces the sea manned by those awaiting dragons that writhe throughout the mysterious continent to the west.
Fauna & Flora
Dwarves - Live in and amongst the mountains, notably in the Eternal City of Thurun
Elves - Rare in the west, Elves are mostly isolated in their own homeland where the east coast of Okan meets the Sea
Orcs - Prevalent across much of the south, and the north east border of Okan.
Doglanders - These fish people associate mostly with orcs, and are found mostly in the south, but also by coasts and areas with strong orc communities
Goblins - Common to Cities and Okan
Humans - Found in most the continent, although not often in cities exclusively composed of other races
Gristlebunnies - These hardy creatures are found pretty much everywhere, they are terrific pests and are practically useless
Included Locations
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