Orc Species in Casmyr | World Anvil


Orcs are tough, and most of their lives can be a fight for survival. Especially in The Concord, where Orcs are second class citizens at best, and monsters to be hunted at worst. For this reason many Orcs flee to the Dominion, where they will be respected. This reinforce the stereotype that Orcs are Dominion spies.     Orc are not stupid, and can be anything they like, but many orcs have an inner fire that craves competition: Be the biggest, strongest, smartest or richest. Some orcs choose to join armies or mercenary companies, while others study magic.   War!!!   According to Orc stories, the Orcs need war, and become physically ill if they go to long without one...This is not true, but some orc still believe it and they worship bloody conflict.   However: The Inner Fire can be stoked, and Orcs anger very quickly, and some of those living in The Dominion start wars over insults...
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