Rules of Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Carminba | World Anvil
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Rules of Magic

What is Magic

Magic is the manipulation of nature and can only be accessed by a Magic user. The manipulation can also mean changing someones form, like with the Swan Curse 

Rule Number 1

Magic is a science as an art form, one can not preform the one as it doesn't understand the other.  

Rule Number 2

Magic has to be learned by a master, a master Magic user can't deny a student.  

Rule Number 3

There is Light and Dark magic, the magic user is responsible for wielding its magic.   

Rule Number 4

Killing someone with magic, goes against the rules of Nature. So it is not possible. If tempted the spell backfires every time and the user ends up death.  

Rule Number 5

Let somebody love you, is also something magic can't do. If tempted, the person will hate you instead.  

Rule Number 6

Because killing is against the laws of Nature, bringing someone back from the death is even more so. If a Magic user tries it, it may succeed, but the one brought back is not fully in the land of the living and tries every time to go back to the land of the death.  

Rule Number 7

Turning back time is against the rule of nature and it's even speculated, that the one who temped it to do anyway was lost between the land of the death and the land of the living.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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