Vahla(Same Name) Species in Candles in the Dark | World Anvil
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Vahla(Same Name)

Vahla(Same Name): Humanoid Cnidaria (bipedal Jelly fish type thing) Normal arms/legs Electric Mitocondria(allow them to trigger brief, controlled bursts of electrical energy at targets within five meters. As an Instant action it adds 2d4 non-lethal damage to a successful Punch attack. In its intended use, it also allows the user to override and disable most electronic locks and security systems with a successful Sneak or Fix skill check. Both triggering a burst and hacking a security system tax the user’s biology; one System Strain point is gained with each attack or skill check.), Toxic Touch (If the user attempts to inject an unsuspecting victim they are already touching, the attempt is automatically successful. If the victim is wary or in combat, they can only be affected if they are unarmored and the user succeeds in a Punch attack roll. On a success, the victim must make a Physical saving throw at -2 or be incapacitated by the poison, dying in 1d6 rounds or being incapacitated for 1d6 hours at the user’s discretion. Each poison attack adds 2 System Strain to the user.)

Basic Information


bipedal with cloudy semi-translucent skin with a squishy jell forming its body and protecting its organs.

Genetics and Reproduction

females release eggs into water and then a male fertilizes them. after 4 years the polyp matures and leaves the water quickly growing to a full adult.

Civilization and Culture


Home world covered in shallow oceans and small islands. although living short lives they live at a sedate pace with all their technology being developed by a few philosophers. After discovering space flight spread quickly.
Scientific Name
Gelata Hominem
20 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
50 lbs

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