Savenar 5 Geographic Location in Campaigns Assorted | World Anvil
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Savenar 5

Savenar 5 is an M-class planet near the Gatrelix system with a wide variety of plant and animal life. Or at least, so it appears.   This planet was once a burial ground for a species called the Vrixid, who release something like the Vulcan katra when they die. This spirit will merge with the nearby plant and animal life. As such, the planet is full of the echoes of the Vrixid personalities.   As such, the variety comes from the actually fairly limited number of plants and animals being shaped by the souls of what touch them. And since the Vrixid traveled across the galaxy once, they knew enough to effect some pretty spectacular changes in each plant they influence.   One of the primary species is one massive plant known as Plant Monster #4892-D, a sentient that grows all over a huge island.   Most of the planet is pretty standard in terms of being a Starfleet botanist's daydream. The only signs that there might have been a prior civilization here is a series of short pillars on the same island as the plant monster, written in a language that doesn't really go with any of the known spacefaring societies.   The majority of the planet is a jungle, with plants adapted to cold weather populating the poles, and plants adapted to scalding heat inhabiting the equator. There's a handful of different animals, but the plants do most of the propagating themselves. Most of them, while not sentient, display a certain amount of activity. Rather like a planet full of Venus fly traps.   Most of them are not carnivorous, or toxic, but there are just enough of either type that visitors should be wary.


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