Scorchers Ethnicity in Calcuil | World Anvil
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Scorchers are a group of humanoids living far within The Desolate Fields of Gratialia. They live a semi-nomadic lifestyle travelling across the desert from sanctuary to sanctuary; scouring for food, water, and materials to sustain themselves and the tribe, on the way. The sanctuaries are small settlements where water naturally occur, and where the Scourchers have managed to cultivate small havens of sustenance. To make sure to never deplete the sanctuaries of resources, the Scourcher travel cyclical between them, leaving only a Matriarchs and her acolytes to look over and maintain the havens.   The Scorchers are a druidic tribe, as part of the circle of wildfire. Their way of the druid are based on the power and fear of fire, and even the youngest of their tribe learn to control and harvest the power of the desert, which has granted them a resistance to the element. This control has extended into harvesting and refining Pyrovitra from the Field of Glass. The tribe have dedicated retrivers that risk their lives to travers into the field to gather the glass, and brings it back to the Matriarchs, the only ones that knows how to refine the glass into Pyrovitra.


Major language groups and dialects

The Scorchers mostly speak in druidic, but do speak common, in the Gratalian dialect. A lot of their language and sayings are based around the sun and sand, meaning despite understanding the words they are saying, an outsider might find it difficult to understand the meaning of the words. Examples of this includes:
  • "Like glass under sand" meaning being dangerous or hurting someone, like the hidden spikes of glass under dunes found near the Field of Glass
  • "sun-touched" meaning being silly or stupid, typically meant to insinnuate that one has spend to much time in the sun and have become delirious.

Shared customary codes and values

In Scorcher society, the tribe always comes first. You never take first but instead offer to those that might need it, this goes for everything from food and water to raw materials and fabric. Therefore, it is highly frowned upon to gather a substantial amount of "wealth" whether this be material wealth, or in resources such as water. This is also one of the reasons the tribe moves from sanctuary to sanctuary.   The sun and the desert is to be respected; meaning one should never underestimate the its power and the toll it can leave on a person.
Parent ethnicities

Cover image: by Helena Human


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