Messenger Bat Species in Cairne | World Anvil

Messenger Bat

"Fast communication for a new age!"

For such a small statured creature, this one has played its role in a big way. A native of the Underhome, the bat boasts a diminutive wingspan of about six inches and can fly through the air in near silence. It evolved quickly in the devastated tunnels of the Dwarves, and as a means of survival developed a symbiotic relationship with them, allowing themselves to become somewhat domesticated. They are fast, stealthy, and remarkably resilient for their size, even being able to endure the tainted areas filled with the Blight for short periods of time.

Basic Information


Evolution within the Void drenched tunnels has been kind to this creature. Physically, it remains fairly normal in appearance. The ears are somewhat larger and the creature's eyes no longer develop in the womb, giving this small mammal a small head with only a mouth, nose, and ears. The entire species is pitch black with the rare exception of albinism. The wings have taken on a near translucent tone and the teeth are slightly elongated to allow for a full range of omnivorous dietary options.

Ecology and Habitats

While tiny, this creature can endure direct contact with void energy for a short time. Its skin has evolved in such a way that it absorbs and processes the energy in a manner akin to the way algae process toxins in the water. This allows them to fly through inundated areas of the Blighted tunnels and out the other side to deliver messages, only requiring a short rest to process the energy absorbed and make the trip again. Bats are by nature nocturnal, and even in the darkened halls of Underhome, they retain an uncanny knack of being able to determine time of day no matter how far from the surface they are. In the Dwarven settlements, they are permitted to fly about without concern and in turn, keep all manner of small pests from the settlements. The insects, creeping fungus, and even in some cases small rodents they find, they make quick meals of, and thus has allowed them to form a mutually beneficial relationship. They remain docile and unafraid of humanoids as a general rule, and will fly away from a perceived danger unless there is no other option.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Necessity has evolved this creature into the ability to eat almost anything, vegetative or organic, even if it is tainted by the Blight. The creature is completely immune to the effects of poisons and toxins that it may imbibe while foraging and eating.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While the creature relies on echolocation to navigate, it has found a way to do this with the utilization of a psychic pulse rather than its voice. While it still can call out to find a measure of its surroundings, it usually will reserve this method as a means to communicate with others of its kind and to voice simple concepts of empathy to the dwarves and other creatures that care for them. This allows them to navigate the tunnels below in utter silence granting them advantage on all stealth attempts while in motion. Any individuals or creatures with psychic abilities will hear the faint ping of the creature's ability in their minds when they use it, negating the bonus to stealth if they attempt to perceive it.
  • Echolocation. The messenger bat can't use its blindsight while deafened.
  • Keen Hearing. The bat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
  • Absorptive Void Resistance. The messenger bat can endure direct contact with Void energy or negative energy for a period of 10 rounds. Beyond this the creature will fall out of consciousness and expire if left within the energy. For every round the creature spends exposed to the energy, it must rest uninterrupted for an equal amount of hours to fully process the energy, purging it from its system in an act similar to sweating. Beads of toxic liquid will well up on the creature's body and roll off. The Dwarves that utilize these creatures have crafted a special bed for them that collects this liquid and channels it harmlessly into the stone or earth below it.
Scientific Name
Vespadelus caurinus
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Messenger Bat by Midjourney


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