Earth Geographic Location in Café Noir | World Anvil


The planet we know as Earth is similar to the earth we know. (one glance there would be no difference, but to us it would feel strange and not everything would 'fit'
This feeling is a result of different energy flows in and around the Earth. The development of this planet is quite similar to our Earth, but where unknoiwn and phenomena like ghosts are waved away as non existent, they are existent on ths world. The history is also different when compared. (note: comparing is impossible since both worlds have no relation to each other and both are in a total different dimension.


Planet Earth.

Fauna & Flora

Green forrest deep blue seas and oceans, a large biodiversity


The human population is not yet capable to leave planet earth.
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There is a gateway/portal to travel to venus, humanity has not yet found it.
Alternative Name(s)
Gaia, Terra
Inhabiting Species


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