Kadru Species in Brutalis | World Anvil
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The Kadru were the original keepers of the planet Havok, a water Dyson sphere shared with the Host, before the Godseye. Kadru culture is heavily wrapped in an ancient mysticism, tying a strong tradition of ancestor worship to a belief in technology and experience itself as the ultimate sources of Spiritual power in the universe. Kadru believe every action creates a ripple of harmony or disharmony, healing the universe, or corrupting it, along with themselves. To achieve harmony it is believed, the universe must bend to the rule of order and progression.     The Kadru made their presence known after the Godseye opened, when their own planets sea began drying. Kadru are amphibious, but require water no more than a human would. They appear humanoid above the waste-line, but have no legs; instead a thick lizard-like tail between 8 and 12 feet long supports their lower bodies. They slither instead of walk, and are therefore quiet while moving, having a natural affinity for sneaking into areas. They discovered an amazing capability with flexible weaponry as the movements mimic those of their own anatomy, coiled or whip-like in manipulation. After the Godseye Kadru were to scavenge and forage, living off the waste of sea-port locations. Eventually the SDA caught wind of a world-shaping piece of technology they had pre-Godseye, on their old planet. The Kadru formed a deal with the SDA, and they quickly founded New Alexandria, a moving Trade Ship which dominates and controls the macro-economic environment of the inner rim, second only to the EUS market.

Basic Information


Fully extended, Kadru are between 5'10 and 8' tall. Normally with coiled tail, they are about 7 feet in height. Kadru are capable of breathing salt water, fresh water, and air, completely amphibious and able to function the same under water as on land.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kadru females lay clusters of eggs, and Kadru men fertilize them. Normally Kadru have little idea who their parents are, and don't particularly care, the caste system allows for entire groups of a few dozen spawn to be cared for by all adults equally.

Ecology and Habitats

Originally from planet Havok, beyond the Godseye, the Kadru lived in Aqua Regia, a large sunken city reminiscent of Myan architecture, though technologically as advanced as any EUS world. They are omnivorous, feeding mostly on sea-life, herbivores, and sea-plants.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kadru eat as often as any human, though they prefer raw meat to cooked. Cooked meat is known to cause minor stomach upset.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Kadru have three eyelids, one for saltwater, one for freshwater, and one which flicks down to 'close' their eyes. In addition, every Kadru has an innate ability mesmerize or captivate others so long as eye contact can be maintained.
Kadru Employment:     Due to their caste system, and the caste tensions between inner and outer rim, the Kadru had to resort to mercantilism, and supplying magical education to gain help from almost anyone native to the solar system. The Kadru are most often found in two major areas of employment, some of the lower caste are primarily scavengers and raiders, while the more educated Kadru focus primarily on bartering and mercantilism, as either business titans or Spire educators with the SDA.
Roleplaying a Kadru:     Kadru are one of the most difficult races to role-play. Their cultural history gives them a lot of conflicting drives and desires. There rule for playing a Kadru is to be tricky. The Kadru pre-Godseye shared a universe with the Host, left in control of maintaining the Host archeotech. Since this is the case the Kadru are very preferential of any Angel or Daemon, and considered themselves as superior to the new, less magically and technologically inclined bipeds in EUS space. Due to their isolation they became very much detached from the normal world, and for this reason Kadru often have a heavy amount of xenophobia and isolationism. Contrary to this when the Kadru experienced the Godseye, their undersea civilization was drying up, so that they lost their home, and they were forced to seek aid from those beyond the portal. Their natural pretentiousness and arrogance immediately distanced them from the rest of the races. The Kadru never worshiped higher powers, and although they attempted to extend hands of friendship, more because of forced dependence, this major difference caused them to be largely distrusted and disliked by most of the solar races. The Kadru are also have the most somatically different structure on the planet. The lizard-based physiology sets them apart as immediately alien to the rest of the races, even in a quickly shifting to alien solar system, and is something which they can never truly hide, unlike other races which can manage to blend in wearing a trench coat depending on size, the Kadru can’t truly blend in no matter what they’re wearing, even from a distance, as their green skin scale color marks, large snake-like lower body, and piercing reflective eyes, set them completely apart. Roleplaying a Kadru involves role playing a very conflicting, underhanded personality, so plan out their personalities carefully and attempt to be as consistent as possible, even in their inevitable inconsistency.
Kadru in Private:     Kadru relaxation usually involves water; it’s such a major part of their lifestyle that it is not uncommon for a Kadru house to be completely submerged on the dock areas of cities. A Kadru’s pass-time usually involves large amounts of theoretical economic discussion or archeotechnical discussion. The younger generation often participates in physical games involving bartering and subterfuge, such as their popular game Stand Tag which takes place in black-water rapids, and is primarily focused on being able to stealthily tag those who are on teams against you while keeping them unaware of your location. Generally, by the time a Kadru has reached full physical maturity, they are already quite capable at this and move on to new facets, either applying their skills in mercenary work or mercantilism, sometimes both. A Kadru clutch often has at least forty to fifty children, and may include about 200 total relatives living within the same Green Ghetto. Kadru culture is shaped primarily by religious and caste convictions. Those who often brush against the confines of these systems are given a stigma that they may never overcome. Kadru never form married pairs. Clutches and children are raised as a group, with everyone taking equal responsibility for the raising of all.
Beyond the Godseye
Kadru in Public:     In public, the Kadru are usually found in groups of five or six, held together primarily by a common goal and brood type. All Kadru are born into a specific Brood. These Broods are representative of the ancient roots of the Kadru home system, (pre-godseye), and are often associated with a species of serpent. A Kadru's Brood determines which caste the individual will belong to, and as such will heavily influence him or her on their views of the world. They are not necessarily social creatures, however their sheer physical difference from the other bipedal races has made them wary and ostracized. As a result, the Kadru became largely reclusive, traveling only for political or economic purposes, and often living in what others refer to as, Green Ghettos. These Ghettos are usually led and paid for by one prominent Kadru family, while all the other Kadru within them run the Ghetto carefully as a market square, where other races and travelers will come, almost always unarmed, to purchase supplies and materials. Thankfully, the SDA, always looking for new test subjects and knowledge, have embraced the Kadru, and after a few decades of the Godseye, Green Ghettos may as well be made of gold, they’re highly supplied and incredibly funded throughout the inner rim, less so in the outer, though entering may require an SDA badge.

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