Daemonic Host Species in Brutalis | World Anvil
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Daemonic Host

The Daemonic Host are the Male and social side of the Host Race. Due to their empathy and drive to involve themselves in other people’s affairs, they have an innate affinity for zendikite-based Skills. Daemonic Host are about 80% male, while their angel counterparts tend to be female. Daemons live wherever their interests take them, occasionally returning to the nearest M’class or scientific lab to meet with their Angel counterparts. They have an especially soft spot for the fledgling and feral races, such as the Wendigo, who they consider to be children of the Godseye with great potential. After the Godseye opened, Daemons travel the land, but consider their home with the Angels on the Mother-tree Class Angel Craft, an interplanetary relic-ship the size of a city. Daemons spend much of their time educating and becoming involved in the social on-goings of other races due to their natural affinity for magical skills, they are responsible for the Spires, which is a solar university for all magical study of Zendikite, Homicite, and SDA technology, with locations on most civilized planets.

Basic Information


The Daemonic Host have crystals growing from braid-like hair, which naturally attunes them to magical use. This attuning also causes a Daemonic host to be naturally empathetic, able to feel and read people easily, identifying with them and a need to help.

Genetics and Reproduction

As a sub-species of the original Host, the Daemonic may only reproduce with an Angelic Host.

Ecology and Habitats

The Daemonic are born wanderers and helpers, inserting themselves into any situation where potential friends can be found. Their natural magical affinity has allowed them to survive in myriad locations across the solar system without much difficulty.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Daemonic simply cannot survive in a Null Area, (an area without any presence of magic or zendikite.) It will, over the course of hours, reduce them to depression, then fatigue, then a coma. Days spent in a Null area will definitively cause them permanent brain damage and then death. Aside from this, the Daemonic eat and drink as often as a human, preferring to taste a variety of spices and flavors, and constantly changing up their dietary style.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Crystals on a Daemons head give them an inherent bonus to their persona, both beautiful to gaze upon and attuning them to the thoughts and perspectives of others. Though not mind-reading, this explains their incredible emotional intelligence.
Daemonic Employment:     Following in the style of a Daemons personal and social outlook, they usually end up working for anything which involves groups of people. A Daemon wouldn’t really have to worry about any employment unless it meant being alone for long periods of time. Due to their natural empathy and ability to perceive things well, Daemons have mutated to become amazingly intuitive spell casters, and their mastery of the zendikite and homicite is often one of the major reasons they are contracted or sought out. Daemons rarely are picky about their payment if it allows them to survive with all their desires taken care of, and are almost never opulent in their lifestyle.
Roleplaying the Daemonic :     Roleplaying the Daemonic is relatively easy. Stay involved in everything going around you, keep the mentality of a child, open to new experience, filled with curiosity and wonder. Additionally, maintain an almost nonexistent idea of boundaries as far as personal effects, personal space, and personal information. The Daemonic are very much little helpers, with a lot of magical power backing them innately. The Daemonic are always willing to lend a helping hand, so long as what they’re contributing to isn’t anti-social in any serious way. There are exceptions, though these Daemons usually don’t survive long among their brethren and must leave the company of another Host eventually. Daemonic are not subservient so much as they are invasive into the lives and social goings on of everyone around them, and are rarely dissuaded from adding in their own two cents about any issue. Do not mistake their innate curiosity and love of society and others for being scatterbrained or distracted, they can focus and multitask at incredibly high levels due to their innate mastery of discipline to safely channel the torrents of energy at their disposal.
The Daemonic in Private:     In private a Daemonic will most often be found working on some sort of project which will improve the group. Projects such as this include enchanting gear for their friends, helping design or set up objectives, plans or goals, or aiding in research to whatever Angelic they happen to be attached to at the time. The Daemonic usually avoid privacy and time alone, but when left to their own devices can easily pass the time with magical study or simply calm and relatively quiet recollection of the day’s events, organizing their social network and planning out how to best involve and help others the following day. A Daemon who is spending too much time alone is almost assuredly doing so under extreme pressure from an outside source, and is often prone to tense outbursts of emotion from not meeting their mental need for social interaction or confirmation. Daemons will regularly attach to the nearest Angel around, following them and helping them with their studies when a lack of anything else to do arises. It is completely normal within the Host for a Daemon to be allowed into the personal quarters of any Angel, even one they have just met in a hallway, to rifle around through her room and involve himself in helping with whatever she needs, as it is very well understood that Daemons are like this by nature, and require this level of interaction to be kept most healthy. Angels are never annoyed by a Daemons intrusiveness, unless it begins to overlap into disturbing ongoing experiments. Daemons fully understand that anything done by an Angel within that Angels room is not to be discussed with any but another Host. This of course has become a problem since the opening of the Godseye, as the SDA and other scientific organizations are usually closed to the public, and Angels tend to ignore Daemons need to have official access, allowing them to wander the halls freely, which very much upsets administration!
The original host, an immortal species separated by two desires.
The Daemonic in Public:     In public a Daemon is likely to be out and about wherever people of any race can be found. Take for example a market scene, a Daemon is probably stopping by in routine and checking every single vendor set up there, asking how their wares are, how their family is doing, what they think of the current politics, if they need a helping hand in any way, and countless other questions with the overarching goal of staying up to date on even the minute details of what’s happening in everyone’s life. Within a party the Daemonic will often be poking around inside their group members’ inventory or asking their detailed thoughts on any matter to perform the most overarching pro-social action possible at every moment. Daemons are easy to convince to help or to get information from, and are relatively easy to please, so long as they are achieving a reasonable amount of social confirmation, a Daemon will take care of anything else which is needed for their survival, being rather low maintenance characters economically, and quite capable of fending for themselves. Since the Daemonic nature is naturally intrusive, anyone with the Isolationist belief is going to be naturally hostile towards a Daemon, although the Daemon may not pick up on the social cues to know their company isn’t desired. It is also easy for those who aren’t Host to become annoyed with how often their own possessions will be under scrutiny if not outright in the hands of a Daemon in the party, though rarely do they have to worry about those possessions going missing.

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