Ashfolk Species in Braythe: Shattered Realities | World Anvil


Player Race

Born from the fires of the apocalypse, the Ashfolk are a race that emerged out of an incinerated land. As the world Virthys was torn apart by a mad dragon god, flames erupted from the core of the world as it broke apart. Blazing fire turned the land of Dvarys into ash and coal, and those who weren’t consumed by the flames were buried as the land itself collapsed.   Before all that, Dvarys was a highly advanced republic. Driven by the search for knowledge and the desire to better people's lives, it was a culture of sages, inventors, philosophers and artists. It was probably as close to a utopia as you can realistically get.   When the apocalypse struck and Virthys was destroyed, the chosen champion of Ashandri Marisha Veilbreaker tried to save Dvarys. But she was too late, and the land she rescued was burnt to ashes. Millions were already dying as the world-creating magic pulled Dvarys towards what should become Ashandri.   Despite the countless deaths, for some there was still hope. The champion’s magic transformed them moments before certain doom. Instead of burning or suffocating, buried in the ashes of the world, these survivors merged with fire and ash. They became that which tried to kill them.   Their skin turned dark and cracked, and they grew raven-like feathers created out of the very ash that surrounded them. This plumage not only served as protection in the deadly environment, but also allowed them to swim through the ashen remains of Dvarys. The smaller the person, the better they can willingly move these feathers. Those Ashfolk that originally belonged to a small-sized race can use their feathers to move faster: When they walk, it looks as if wind blows through the ashen plumes. This gives them a push when walking, allowing them to catch up with the bigger-sized members of their race.   The metamorphosis also changed their lungs, allowing them to breathe ash and smoke. And as if to constantly remind them how closely they escaped death, their faces are light grey, sometimes even white, like the colour of bones. Together with the large dark circles around their eyes and black streaks around their lips, mirroring the teeth, their faces look a bit like skulls.   All the changes the Ashfolk have gone through were still not enough for some members of the new race to survive. But whatever perilous situation they were in, the Ashfolk had extraordinary luck, managing to cheat death where others would have died. Some Ashfolk believe their face patterns aren't just a reminder, but a physical expression of this peculiar ability.   They had been humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves and halflings before. Instead of finding certain death, they transformed, and the Ashfolk emerged from the remains of Dvarys. Now they were the firstborn of the Ocean of Ash.  


  Most Ashfolk have been residents of the utopian land of Dvarys, and only a few of them were visitors and travellers. Their homes and belongings destroyed, these survivors had almost nothing left but their very lives - in a way, not even their former identities.   This feeling of absolute loss unites the Ashfolk. Many of them are dark and brooding, but also very sympathetic to the suffering of others. And there's another side to them. They lived in a nation of peace and safety, of bright minds and great art. Most Ashfolk have grown into strong, self-confident personalities. They are not just survivors - they have seen what the world can be like, and they're here to build a new society from the ashes of the old.   Due to their physical appearance, they have met a lot of rejection and prejudice. Being seen as evil, or even as monstrous undead (even though they are very much alive), made them cautious. Many Ashfolk prefer to keep to their own communities, at least until they are met with less intolerance. If you treat them with respect, though, you usually receive the same thing.   After Dvarys had become the Ocean of Ash, about half of the Ashfolk left their former home behind. Most of them stayed in Delvaroth after crossing the border to this region, but a few spread out all over the new world. Some simply wanted to explore, others ran away from the memories of what they had lost in their old home.   Those who stayed live in a grim environment, but they aren't willing to give up. No matter how many generations it will take, they want to bring Dvarys back to its former glory. Many of them live together with other survivors, people that evaded death without being transformed, and the Ashfolk often take over crucial roles in their communities.  


  Some Ashfolk still carry their old names, but many decided to embrace their new identities and have given themselves new names. Their physiology makes it easier to pronounce soft sounds, and the names (and their entire tone of voice) usually reflect that. Most Ashfolk names are short, but a few individuals have names with four or even five syllables.   Curiously, other members of the race can always hear the emotion or meaning that an Ashfolk name is supposed to represent. Different names can mean the same thing, and sometimes a slightly different pronunciation of the same word can give it a completely different meaning. This intuitive understanding only comes up with Ashfolk names, and strangely doesn't work with names or even regular words from the languages of other races. Some sages predict that this "racial talent" might lead to a new language for the Ashfolk in the long run.   Some examples for typical Ashfolk names and their associated meanings are shown in the following list. They can be used for both male and female Ashfolk. All names are pronounced without any breaks, flowing smoothly and calmly.  
  • Vuley: Beauty
  • Abath: Clarity
  • Sherendan: Warrior or Survivor
  • Maeon: Creation
  • Imiri: Sweet, Cute
  • Alima: Magical, Enchanted or Powerful
  • Gavaa: Patient or Intelligent
  • Emios: Riddle or Mysterious
  • Huvalari: Noble or Great
  • Lai: Efficient or Short, also Short-Tempered
  • Simia: Ice, Cold or Cruel
  • Thami: Fire or Anger


  Ability Score Increase: Constitution+2, Dexterity+1   Age: Ashfolk are such a young and diverse race that it's hard to tell how old they can become. Children and adolescents grow at a speed similar to humans, and they mature at about 20 years. After that, aging did not affect them very much in the first years of Ashandri. Sages believe they have adapted the life span of the oldest of their original races, the elves, which would allow them to live for about 700 years.   Alignment: As former residents of Dvarys, the Ashfolk tend toward good alignments. In general, they have more or less the same life philosophies they had before the apocalypse. The extreme experiences have pushed a part of them in a different direction, though - sometimes for the better, sometimes for worse.   Lineage and size: Ashfolk have the same build they had before the metamorphosis, which makes them a widely varied species. Your size is either Medium or Small. You do not have any of the abilities or features of your original species.   Languages: Most Ashfolk are well educated. They can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of their choice.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and in ash, you have a Swimming speed of 30 feet.   Darkvision: Ashfolk can see in dim light within 30 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.   Fire Resistance: You have Resistance to fire damage.   Ashborn: You can breathe ash, smoke and air, and you can swim through ash. You only eat ash and coal. To nourish yourself, you can burn whatever flammable material is available (including inorganic matter), and consume it once it's fully burnt. You do not need to drink (but you can).   Relentless⁠ Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.   Cheat Death: You make every death saving throw with advantage. Once per day, if you failed any kind of saving throw, you can decide to roll again.

Basic Information


The Ashfolk have been part of a variety of humanoid races before they were transformed: Humans, elves, halflings, dwarves and gnomes. They kept their general physical build, making them a very diverse species.   On most of their body, their skin is dark ash. It doesn't just look like that - it is literal ash. The only exception to the dark shades are their faces, which show grey or white skin patterns roughly resembling the person's skull shape. Because of that, Ashfolk are sometimes mistaken for undead.   Their eyes have either a black, white or strikingly yellow colour. Instead of hair, they grow raven-like feathers of ash, going all the way down to their backs and arms, sometimes also covering the legs. Their front is usually free of these feathers.   The ashen plumage looks less like wings, than like a black, feathery coat. These feathers allow them to swim through ash. A few rare members of the race also have deep, smoldering cracks in their skin, burning or gleaming with ember. They physically feel the heat, but without pain, and some Ashfolk call these cracks "burning freckles".   Ashfolk have pitch black blood, and they cannot cry tears.
Ashfolk Portrait by Rebecca Lavoie

Cover image: by Rebecca Lavoie


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