Walk on the path Kal has laid for us Organization in Boomal | World Anvil
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Walk on the path Kal has laid for us

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The Church's mission is simple: we must carry on the will of Kal, and bring all and everyone along. May his light forever shine on us, and may we get rid of the darkness of times. It is our duty to read and spread the holy words of Kal, from the Sactus to the elders, from the elders to the people. All who embrace his will shall be part of eternal salvation.   Do not wander off the path. Do not destroy his deeds. Those who taint his will shall be tainted as well. The hand which steals shall be severed, for it lost righteousness. He who commits treason refutes Kal's design, and shall be excluded from the nation. He who lies will be permanently burned truth back on his own skin. He who kills needlessly, who shows selfishness or who does not honour agreements is cursed with unrighteousness, and shall be brought back to maturity through force. Kal's will gives forgiveness to the impure, but the homicide cannot be forgiven. He who predates on his kin is unfit in the eyes of the lord, and must be destroyed for the sake of us.   Kal has wanted us to follow his example. His will honours the brave, rewards the industrious, praises the honest, and cares for the kind-hearted, but punishes the wicked who wander off his path.   And before our prayer, may all of us now hear his holy words and rejoice to his voice that was brought for us to follow it: "It is said of the pious that he will be at peace in the afterlife It is said of the valiant that he will know peace in honour It is said of the wise that he will find peace in knowledge But for the belligerent, I see neither wisdom, nor valor, not piety. There is no peace for the fool who makes his ennemy of his neighbour."   Lord, may you hear us
May your name be eternal
May your light shine through the darkest of night
And may your voice be carried to all
Lord, we bow to you
We shall follow your will
We shall give ourselves to you
and we shall be grateful of everything you gave us
Please, do not let us wander off the path you laid for us.

Kal be praised "
Words of Balus XII, 61th sactus of the holy Kalendic order, from a speech to the people of ✝ Berneem, 920.I

Glory to Kal, the god who walked among men.

Kalendic token
by Furilax

Cover image: by Furilax


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