Imir Eenin Character in Boomal | World Anvil
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Imir Eenin

I am the voice of the people. I embody the will of change in our wicked and corrupt society. I am a man of the people, born as a commoner. I know the people because I am the people. Those lords there, in their golden castles, do not know us. They don't know our struggles, and why would they care? So my fellows, I ask you this: how could these people be entrusted with deciding our lives ?   Place your faith in yourselves, place your faith in me. I will fight to the death to see the dawn of a true democracy. The rule of the people for the people. The few, no matter how powerful they think they are, will not resist the will of the many, if the many unites. The true values of passion, labor, solidarity will replace greed, individuality, and laziness.   By recreating this nation to its roots, we will establish a new, durable society, where everyone will have equal opportunities, and where noone is left behind. We will all share the gifts of our good earth, and the products of our work. That's what I believe in, and that's what I will lead you all to.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Imir Eenin was born in 753.II in a rural family near Sookva. As a child, he had an urban education, and soon showed interest in litterature and in political thinkers of the history.
At age 17, he starts expressing strong oppositions to political decisions. This period of activism leads to his arrest for public disturbance. he will spend three months in jail, during which he will refine his political ideas. Once out, he starts to associate with other, young activists, and forms the first socialist congregation. He soon takes the lead of the rally, and starts a strong campaign of rallying commoners to his cause. He starts by cating in rural villages.   Before long, he movement has grown in size and gets well known around the continent. When entering the city after only a few months of activism, a mob of laborers forms at the gate, cheering and welcoming its hero. The lord of Sookva, fearing for the region's stability and for his own safety, starts some very punitive actions against political trouble but, rather than slowing down the new wave, it fuels its strength. The lord has made himself an ennemy of the people, and is now the symbol of oppression.   The first social unrests soon start, and the city is quickly put into chaos. Imir Eenin escapes from a series of assassinations attempts, that he will use to support his cause against a "crooked" political system.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In the span of a few years, Imir Eenin has made himself into a central figure of political counter-power. He has laid the foundation of a new school of thought, in which all are to be equal in wealth, labor and opportunities. His writings denouncing caste divisions and social injustice have opened controversies with countless thinkers. But no matter how many elites dispute his writings, what matters is how he has been recieved by the masses, and how he has been able to gain thousands of followers in his political wrestle with the political arena.

Cover image: by Furilax


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