Spells and Rituals in Book of the Damned | World Anvil

Spells and Rituals

A spell is a magical action carried out by creatures who possess the ability, more often than not, witches (though this does not mean demons and angels cannot). It can consist of ritualistic actions, a phrase, verse, or set of words, or specific items. Certain spells are said in specific languages, mostly being Latin but it's not uncommon to be found in others. One thing that should be noted is that mortals who participate in witchcraft are not capable of performing spells. Spells are only effective when spoken by a magic wielder with the capability to do so.   There are different types of spells but most can be divided between charms and curses. Charms are typically positive or neutral and meant to help protect or enhance an individual's life. While a curse is the opposite and is meant to harm the individual in a negative way. Every spell has a loophole, no matter how small. Magic in the mortal realm is also part of a system of give and take, meaning that the stronger the spell, the more it will cost the individual casting it. Some witches will attempt to curve this by asking a higher power for help, which usually means making a deal. The strength behind magic can also be effected by the form and type of magic.  


Were Curses
One of the most powerful types of curses known to magic, is that of the were curse. This curse is what created all were-species. The exact things needed for such a curse is unknown. One of the only things known is that the price for said curse is so high that it costs a witch their life. The witch cursing the family, group, or individual completes the ritual by adding their own blood and essence, tying their entire being to the curse and therefore making sure the curse is evermore. It is due to this sacrifice that there are no known, or at least truly effective, cures to the were-curse.   Though it holds a few different requirements, a vampire curse works in the same way. The main difference is that a vampire curse, through spell means, can only be done with the blood of a full-blooded witch. An example of this is the witch that cursed Amari Foster and her father. The curse was set to effect the Foster bloodline, meaning Amari's father and herself. To complete the curse, the witch drained their blood and essence through the help of another, giving their life to fuel the curse.  


Burning Light
A favorite of Sydero, this spell causes a bright light to go off that has the potential to harm or even blind those who look at it directly or are trapped in it's area of effect. Sydero uses this spell numerous times to escape her enemies.  
Cleansing Spell
Using mainly vinegar and skunk spray, Sydero was able to make a potion that when ingested or thrown on an individual causes them to be untraceable. This spell works against a werewolf's tracking ability but is not known what other creatures are also hindered by this spell.  
Enchanting Spell
By using an item that holds residual essence, a magic user can enchant said item to reflect another. For example, in Wanted Sydero uses a piece of paper from inside Roe's car and then enchants it with an illusion to appear like the car as they steal it back from the junkyard. As long as the magic user is in the general vicinity or the essence is still in tact, then the spell will last.  


Energy Rejuvenation
It is believed that this can be done through varying means but one of the most powerful means is through faeries. Capturing a faerie and then killing it for its essence can allow a supernatural to replenish their own energy to astonishing levels. The more powerful the being, the more essence they will need. Sydero needed three faeries and even then her energy was still waning faster than she could replenish. To complete the ritual two people are needed as the one not taking on the essence is needed to cut the faerie.   Upon capturing the faeries a bowl and a knife is needed. Resting the faerie inside the bowl, water is then poured over the fairy, then peppermint oil, and then whoever wishes to take the essence spills blood over the faerie. Once this is done and the faerie reacts appropriately, the individual not taking on the essence cuts the faerie open and letting their essence mix with the contents of the bowl until it turns black.   Incantation: "Bless this body. Bless this mind. And bless this soul for the one whose blood commands complete control." After first half is done, "with this blessed body, blessed mind, and blessed soul - we bid for the energy within."


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