Bloodmarsh classic Bloodmarsh 2287 Timeline Timeline
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Bloodmarsh 2287 Timeline

Quern Time

Until 350 Million Years Ago (mya)

Back when time was moved by the Quern of Change. Stuff was a little more loosey-goosey back then, it seems, or else maybe our magic mineral dating processes are just not that reliable over really long periods, eh, whaddayathink. Anyway, deposits from this period are really, really thin, and have a stupid high preponderance of biogenic matter. It almost seems like erosion hadn't been properly turned on yet.

  • -350 million years ago
    The Quern of Change is Shattered
    Era beginning/end

    Rovagug destroys the mechanism of forward temporal causality.


-350 mya > 10,000 years ago

It is speculated that this is when the Gods first entered the world. They may have been hanging around somewhere else up until then, talking and having a smoke, but now they're really on the stage. They began making their Special People at this time, but all of their early experiments went off the rails relatively quickly.

  • ~2 mya
    Humans Appear
    Geological / environmental event

    Oldest Known Rootstock Human Fossils Deposited

  • -1.8 mya
    Elves are Created
    Artistic creation

    Oldest Elf Fossils Deposited

  • 1.6 mya - .8 mya
    Gnolls, Centaurs, Gnomes, and Merfolk are Created
    Artistic creation

    Many more knockoffs appear in the fossil record, each more showy than the original

  • 38,000 years ago
    Dragons are Created
    Artistic creation

    Oldest Dragon Fossils Deposited


10500 0

Humans seem to now be about as behaviorally complex as in modern times, and have diverged into the current major subpopulations. Some types of writing were invented around now, probably by lowhuts.

  • -2500 A.C.

    Lowhuts Migrate to the West
    Population Migration / Travel

    Lowhuts have crossed the World Sea from the Eastern continent to the West, bringing written language and probably lots of beer.

  • -2100 A.C.

    Daishe Civilization Begins in the Crotch

    First tools and settlements built in Bighornia

    More reading
    The Daishe
  • 0 F.T.
    The Fell
    Era beginning/end

    The Greatest Tree, Hildevrand, is cut down

First Timber

0 and beyond

Everything changed when the first tree was cut down. It was really on. Like on on. Mortals duking it out with immortals. Plagues kicking mortals in the belly and taking their lunch money. Mortals writing stuff about how bad things are. Everything is now intense, and somebody's gotta take the fall before it's all over.

  • 75 F.T.

    120 F.T.

    Immortals Migrate into The Crotch
    Population Migration / Travel

    Numbers of Immortals in The Crotch increases dramatically.

  • 920 F.T.

    Daishe Civilization Falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    The hardy nation of Crotch-dwellers dwindles out

    More reading
    The Daishe
  • 1000 F.T.

    The Crotch Thaws
    Geological / environmental event

    The great glaciers that shaped The Crotch have melted.

  • 1737 F.T.

    The Taking Begins
    Military action

    The first ship of humans to cross the World Sea makes landfall at the Crotch

  • 1981 F.T.

    9 /7
    1996 F.T.

    23 /6

    The War of Cons and Soles
    Military action

    Humans make strides inland in Bloodmarsh under the leadership of the Leaping Piper

  • 1991 F.T.

    23 /6

    The Stompening
    Political event

    Distrocutor disappears after being weakened by a confrontation with the Blue Ball Lightning

  • 1994 F.T.

    2000 F.T.

    The Hassenburg Engines are employed at Bloodmarsh
    Technological achievement

    For a short time, these great weapons were used to slaughter dragons like sheep

  • 2001 F.T.

    10 /2

    Fingerprick the Golden Rides East

    The fortresses which later became the cantons of Rhaul are established in the wake of a bloody swath of battles.

  • 2267 F.T.

    You Suckers are Born
    Life, Birth

    This is when your story started. Ish. Give or take a few decades.