Teyoka, The Vampiric Angel Dragon Species in Blinding Veil | World Anvil

Teyoka, The Vampiric Angel Dragon

"I never believed that a creature of such grace could survive in Barakal, and yet I was proven wrong. Its lethality however, was completely expected" - Elea Ma'Kibibi, Unganna Explorer

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa

Angel of Death

The Watepo people of Barakal tell stories of a creature they call Teyoka, a beast that drifts on the brutal winds and kills all in its path. Little is known of this elusive creature, with the only information on it coming from local legends and the written accounts of Elea Ma'Kibibi. This dragon is as elusive as it is deadly, perfectly fitting into its unforgiving home.


Through both Watepo legends and Elea's written account of the creature, a clear picture of this dragon's appearance can be constructed. The Teyoka has a long, snake-like body that can be anywhere from 6 to 9 meters long, though local tales claim that they can be even longer. It flies through the air with two feathery wings and holds down prey with two slender but powerful forelimbs. The written accounts of the Teyoka describe its head as relatively small and snake-like, adorned with two large horns that rest on its head like a crown.


The Teyoka has only been found in the icy wasteland of Barakal, and it glides through the skies of the frozen deserts and frigid coastline in search of blood. The Watepo believe that the Teyoka make their dens within the mountains of Barakal, a safe assumption since that would be the safest place to build a lair.

Hunting Behaviors

Watepo children are taught from a young age to listen for the ominous calls of the Teyoka, for it is a grim omen that it is on the hunt. It prefers to feed on larger prey like seals, young orcas, and bears, but it wouldn't hesitate to kill a human were they to cross its path. If a hunter hears a wailing sound from the vast ice sheets, they must turn back and return to their home, for the Teyoka is on the prowl.   While it is currently unconfirmed, some researchers speculate that the wailing sound that it makes is similar to the echolocation used by dolphins to locate prey. The theorized hunting strategy for the Teyoka is that it would fly through the air using its echolocation to locate prey. Once it has found a target, it would quickly swoop down and pounce upon its unfortunate victim, using its tail and claws to hold the struggling animal down. Upon subduing its victim, the Teyoka would sink its fangs into the flesh of its prey and drink its blood. Based on Elea's written account of the creature, once it has drained its prey dry, it would create a localized ice storm to either mask its escape or to scare away rivals.

Reproduction and Growth

With how elusive this dragon is, one can only make guesses about the reproductive cycle of the Teyoka. It is safe to assume that they lay eggs and keep them safe within their lairs, but without confirmation, it can't be fully determined.
Classification: Lesser Dragon   Threat Assessment: With little information available regarding this dragon, it is hard to give an accurate threat assessment of it. With what is known, the Teyoka is a dangerous predator that hunts in the remote continent of Barakal. With its remote location in mind, this dragon has been designated as a low threat.
Average Length
9 Meters (30 feet)
Geographic Distribution


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