Deimos Geographic Location in Blackout | World Anvil


One of the two small moons of Mars, way too small to even consider its terraformation. As the outer one of the moons, Deimos is mostly notable for housing the transshipment station for the Mars Subsystem. Most of the interplanetary traffic arrives here aboard large transport vessels, only to be then carried to Mars or (rarely) Phobos) with local shuttles and ships.   This is, de facto, the one and only entrance gate to Mars nowadays, especially with its authoritarian govenrment looking down on unwanted visitors.
Distance from Sun: 150.000 mil. km
Distance from Mars: 23,460 km
Diameter: 22,5 km
Solar Constant: 0.8
Mass: Minimal
Orbital Period: 30h
  Avg. Temperature per Latitude
Type: Moon [Not Terraformed]
Location: Mars Subsystem
Status: Colonized
Population: ~9 000
Empire of Mars


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