The Intertear Caravan Vehicle in Black Snow | World Anvil
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The Intertear Caravan

Not limited to just one vehicle, but a vast train of many vehicles, all traveling together as one conglomerate band. Rivaling a population of a small city, these adventurous merchants travel the length, breadth, depths, and heights of the World. Whenever possible they do the same in the worlds beyond the tears. Although alliances are chosen with care, and the caravan usually only trusts its own, they are still warm, welcoming, and warmly welcomed everywhere they've been before. Developing good trade relations is a cornerstone of their culture, and their boasts of quality and rarity are not exaggerated.  
Truly respected for the products, merchandise, and goods they purvey, these folk are not limited to exchanging wares for money. They also favor equal trade and will take on tasks and expeditions for the right price. Payment can be extended to deals, work exchange, favors, and anything of value really. Although their early beginnings were shady at best, over the course of 100,000 years they've grown into a nation beholden to their own laws, among which the following is forbidden:
  1. Human trafficking. Punishable by death, no exceptions.
  2. With the exception of carefully humanely operated continual employment only brothels, no prostitution. Transgressions are punishable by death.
  3. Any and all forms of harm to children, the elderly, and the infirm are punishable by death.
  4. Rape is punishable by death.
  5. Murder outside of justice is punishable by death.
  6. Thieves will be punished by the loss of an arm or having no arms left a leg. The sixth offense is decapitation. The fifth will cost you dearly if you survive it.
It is exceptionally rare that any of the caravan members break these laws. Outsiders who break these laws find out swiftly that justice will be dealt with by any and all members of the caravan who discover the crime committed. Many people of oppressed groups enjoy defecting to the caravan in order to live a better and more free life. Life among the caravan is far from leisurely, and it is always moving, but it is no less a safer wonderous home that many enjoy.   The actual vehicles used are many, varied, and constantly changing. To describe one outside of the moment would be a waste of time, as many change in shape depending on the need. Most look at the caravan as one entity by the Modern Era as it is.
the Caravan
Free Folk
Live well and free, and kill any who try to stop you!


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