Lunestara Settlement in Black Snow | World Anvil
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Soaring towers crowned with flying buttresses, stairways to outdoor garden platforms, indoor greenhouses, peaked roofs descending into ornate gutterwork, and gargoyles no two alike, great walls hugging the immense plateau, the Citadel of Equireallasta's grand Megalopolis Lunestara glitters in the Worldlight and light of the fourth moon's fellows at night, sparkling and gleaming in the light of the suns. The rest of the city does likewise from a less advantageous hight. Each darkened window still encased in stained or other fancily wrought glass and iron, each still intact door intricately carved, uniquely opulent, every building a gem all its own. The tiles still neatly overlapping across every rooftop, each cobble and brick still in place. No dust nor rot nor decay mars the face of this otherworldly, or moonly, beauty.   Without erosive influence or any surviving animals to see, only the plants, still contained by ancient magics remain to remember the vast realm of Lunestara. As if preserved in time, the inhabitants long-vanished without a trace. No signs that any left in the middle of a meal, or died in their beds, or fell in the streets to be forgotten to decay. Only the carefully manicured gardens and well-kept greenhouses remain, continuing to be cared for as if by the magic of the city that preserves them with it. No dust falls or rests, no crumbling surfaces or lost to time in tombs immemorial. Only things neatly tidied away, as if the meticulous people will appear at any moment to reclaim the lives they lived in this empty vessel of stone and wonder. Parks and eateries, homes and offices, libraries and manufacturing, shops and squares all left as though only a moment ago...inside the outermost walls and turrets of the megalopolis.   Outside a riot of vegetation, animal life, and signs of untouched evolution reign supreme, trees hundreds of thousands of years old lost to the skies like the greatest of mountain peaks, mountains dwarfed by them still faintly visible on the horizon, weather changing as it does not inside the gentle walls.   The Discovering forces from the World Spaceport exploration team would like to secure the city for a moonbase and begin collonizing immediately.


None, space

Industry & Trade

Was once rife with the spoils of distant travels, exploration, and trade


Lost technologies, the control panel in the citadel that works a stabilizable changeable tear portal, unclaimed wealth in all the forms a well educated wealthy city would have


Archaeologists brought from Spaceport 001 will have no answers for the first 3 months after discovery.


Spaceport explorers, adventurers, and archaeologists


Gothic + Etruscan in styling, with heavy ancient greek overtones and modern earth building sense for the best materials and architectural soundness


Located on the upper hemisphere of the fourth moon

Natural Resources

Lunar plantlife native and cultivated from afar, plunder from the ruined city


Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Ruin on Four
Orbital, Station


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