Arniqekian culture Ethnicity in Black Light | World Anvil

Arniqekian culture

The Arniqekian culture is the major culture in the Diarchy of Inkiarniqekia and is mostly made up of jongyan and csillun. It gives a great deal of importance to freedom and its core religious belief is what is known as The Path, with strong influences from the Star Rites. Arniqekian craftsmanship is well-known all around the continent due to their unique use of starstones.  


Despite the tumultuous history of the Diarchy of Inkiarniqekia, the Arniqekian culture is possibly the major culture in this planet that has changed the least over time. There are some influences from both the Seven Faiths and the Star Rites due to northern immigration. The Anvarin culture, from the Empire of Kutarinmaa, also had some minor influences, mainly in fashion. However, due to Inkiarniqekia's strong sense of nationality, Arniqekians have been quick to reject anything that seems foreign.  

Cultural Values and the Path

The Path is an unorganized religion consisting of a few basic principles. The core tenet is the importance of following the Path to live a fulfilling life —what this Path entails, however, changes from person to person. Followers of the Path don't believe in any deity and don't have any priests or monks —public meditation houses are the only sign of a religion actually existing.   The concept of Devotion from the Seven Faiths is similar but it has a fundamental difference: in the Seven Faiths, Devotion is something predetermined by a higher power that everyone must discover for themselves. Whereas the Path is something everyone chooses at will.  

Starstone crafts

Starstone is a rare mineral found in the southeastern regions of the continent, known for its properties of shining gently at night. The mineral is moderately malleable when heated, but working it can be dangerous, as too much heat will cause the starstone to explode. Arniqekian craftsmen have mastered the art of shaping starstones and they often used it as decoration for pottery, furniture and even clothes. These works of art are highly priced and sought after both within and outside Inkiarniqekia.

Naming traditions

Arniqekian names are gender-neutral and have no surnames attached. When family is relevant, a surname with the structure "child of parent" can be attached to the name. In cases of ambiguity between two people with the same name, a physical feature can be used to distinguish both names (for example, "Tiilak Greeneyes").  

Arniqekian names

Arjaliki, Elisaiya, Issumatak, Kuniaq, Nuvua, Onartok, Pamiuq, Siarut, Taqukak, Unnuaq, Illiivat, Koko, Nirliq, Shesh, Sialuk, Uluria, Alk, Unnugati, Yuraq, Tiilak.


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